Jacob L Kjellerup
++ Ogre Khans (Ogre Khans 2.0 Beta) [4499pts] ++
+ Characters +
Khan [450pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Iron Fist, Light Armour, Trolleater - Models on foot only
. Special Equipment: Mammoth-Hide Cloak - Models on foot only, Pennant of the Great Grass Sky
Shaman [610pts]: General, Gut Roarer - Shaman only, Iron Fist, Shamanism, Wizard Master
. Special Equipment: Crown of Autocracy, Lygur's Tongue
+ Core +
Bruisers [964pts]: 11x Bruiser, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
. Banner Enchantment: Banner of Speed
Bruisers [190pts]: 3x Bruiser
+ Special +
Kin-Eater [175pts]
Kin-Eater [175pts]
Tusker Cavalry [965pts]: Champion, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Musician, Standard Bearer, 5x Tusker Cavalry
. Banner Enchantment: Banner of the Gyengget
+ Chained Beasts +
Rock Aurochs [485pts]: Lance
Rock Aurochs [485pts]: Lance
++ Total: [4499pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)