James Johnston
+ TEAM: Northern Ireland
+ ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
== Spearhead Detachment == Drukhari (Prophets of Flesh) [59PL] [1197pts] +1CP
HQ1: Urien Rakarth (90) - [5 PL] [90pts]
Elite 1: 9x Grotesques (9x32) 9 Monstrous Cleavers (9x0) 9 Flesh Gauntlets (9x3) - [18PL] [315pts]
Heavy Support1: 3x Talos (3x75) 2x3 Haywire Blasters (6x8) 2x3 Macro Scalpels (6x4) - [12PL] [297pts]
Heavy Support2: 3x Talos (3x75) 2x3 Haywire Blasters (6x8) 2x3 Macro Scalpels (6x4) - [12PL] [297pts]
Heavy Support3: 2x Talos (2x75) 2x2 Haywire Blasters (4x8) 2x2 Macro Scalpels (4x4) - [12PL] [198pts]
== Battalion Detachment == Drukhari (Kabal of the Black Heart) [45PL] [803pts] +5CP
HQ2: Archon (70) Splinter Pistol (0) Venom Blade (2) - [4PL] [72pts] - WARLORD <Labyrinthine Cunning>
HQ3: Archon (70) Splinter Pistol (0) Venom Blade (2) - [4PL] [72pts] � RELIC - Writ of the Living Muse
Troops1: 5x Kabalite Warriors (5x6) 4 Splinter Rifles (4x0) Blaster (17) - [2PL] [47pts] Transport1
Troops2: 5x Kabalite Warriors (5x6) 4 Splinter Rifles (4x0) Blaster (17 -) [2PL] [47pts] Transport2
Troops3: 5x Kabalite Warriors (5x6) 5 Splinter Rifles (5x0) - [2PL] [30pts]
Heavy Support4: Ravager (80) 3x3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15) - [7PL] [125pts]
Heavy Support5: Ravager (80) 3x3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15) - [7PL] [125pts]
Heavy Support6: Ravager (80) 3x3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15) - [7PL] [125pts]
Transport1: Raider (65) Disintegrator Cannon (15) - [5PL] [80pts]
Transport2: : Raider (65) Disintegrator Cannon (15) - [5PL] [80pts]