Kim Busk
Skaven (Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age 2.0 Beta) [4500pts]
The Vermin Swarm (The Vermin Swarm 2.0 Beta) [4500pts]
Characters [1040pts]
Chief [260pts]
Selections: Battle Standard Bearer [50pts], Light Armour
Categories: C
Rules: Callous, Honourless, Rally Around the Flag, Safety in Numbers, Swiftstride
1 Global: Chief Global, 2 Defensive: Chief Defence, 3 Offensive: Chief Offence, 4 Armour: Light Armour
Special Equipment [100pts]
Selections: Lightning Rod [100pts]
Categories: C
7 Artefact: Lightning Rod
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Chief Global 5" 10" 6 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Chief Defence 3 5 4 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Chief Offence 3 5 4 1 6
4 Armour Type Save Rules Ref
Light Armour Suit of Armour +1 A model part can only wear a single Suit of Armour.
Artefact Type Effect Ref
Rod Battle Standard Bearer and Vermin Guard only. One use only. May be activated at the start of the opponent’s Player Turn. During this Player Turn all friendly units gain Hard Target. No Flying Movement may take place.
Vermin Daemon [780pts]
Selections: Army General
Categories: B B , C
Rules: Aegis (4+, against Magical Attacks), Aegis (5+), Callous, Commanding Presence, Schemer, Supernal, Wizard Master
1 Global: Vermin Daemon Global, 2 Defensive: Vermin Daemon Defence, 3 Offensive: Vermin Daemon Offence
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Vermin Daemon Global 8" 16" 9 Gigantic Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Vermin Daemon Defence 6 8 6 2
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Vermin Daemon Offence 5 8 6 10 9
Core [1190pts]
Footpads [140pts]
Selections: 10x Footpads [120pts], Musician [20pts]
Categories: C
Rules: Callous, Safety in Numbers, Scoring
1 Global: Footpad Global, 2 Defensive: Footpad Defence, 3 Offensive: Footpad Offence, 6 Ranged Weapon: Sling
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Footpad Global 6" 12" 6 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Footpad Defence 1 3 3 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Footpad Offence 1 3 3 0 4
6 Ranged Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Sling 18" 1 3 0 Quick to Fire
Footpads [140pts]
Selections: 10x Footpads [120pts], Musician [20pts]
Categories: C
Rules: Callous, Safety in Numbers, Scoring
1 Global: Footpad Global, 2 Defensive: Footpad Defence, 3 Offensive: Footpad Offence, 6 Ranged Weapon: Sling
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Footpad Global 6" 12" 6 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Footpad Defence 1 3 3 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Footpad Offence 1 3 3 0 4
6 Ranged Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Sling 18" 1 3 0 Quick to Fire
Footpads [140pts]
Selections: 10x Footpads [120pts], Musician [20pts]
Categories: C
Rules: Callous, Safety in Numbers, Scoring
1 Global: Footpad Global, 2 Defensive: Footpad Defence, 3 Offensive: Footpad Offence, 6 Ranged Weapon: Sling
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Footpad Global 6" 12" 6 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Footpad Defence 1 3 3 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Footpad Offence 1 3 3 0 4
6 Ranged Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Sling 18" 1 3 0 Quick to Fire
Rats-at-Arms [318pts]
Selections: Champion [20pts], Musician [20pts], 26x Rat-at-Arms [208pts], Standard Bearer [20pts]
Categories: C
Rules: Safety in Numbers, Scoring
1 Global: Rat-at-Arms Global, 2 Defensive: Rat-at-Arms Defence, 3 Offensive: Rat-at-Arms Offence, 4 Armour: Light Armour, Shield
Banner Enchantment [30pts]
Selections: Banner of the Relentless Company [30pts]
Categories: C
7 Artefact: Banner of the Relentless Company
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Rat-at-Arms Global 5" 10" 5 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Rat-at-Arms Defence 1 3 3 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Rat-at-Arms Offence 1 3 3 0 4
4 Armour Type Save Rules Ref
Light Armour Suit of Armour +1 A model part can only wear a single Suit of Armour.
Shield Shield +1 Parry
7 Artefact Type Effect Ref
Banner of the Relentless
Company Banner One use only. May be activated during the controlling player’s Movement Phase. All Infantry models in thebearer’s unit always have March Rate 15”, until the end of the Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless Company may be activated during the same Phase.
Slaves [226pts]
Selections: Musician [20pts], 44x Slave [176pts]
Categories: C
Rules: Disposable, Insignificant, Safety in Numbers
1 Global: Slave Global, 2 Defensive: Slave Defence, 3 Offensive: Slave Offence
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Slave Global 5" 10" 2 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Slave Defence 1 2 3 -
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Slave Offence 1 2 3 0 4
Slaves [226pts]
Selections: Musician [20pts], 44x Slave [176pts]
Categories: C
Rules: Disposable, Insignificant, Safety in Numbers
1 Global: Slave Global, 2 Defensive: Slave Defence, 3 Offensive: Slave Offence
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Slave Global 5" 10" 2 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Slave Defence 1 2 3 -
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Slave Offence 1 2 3 0 4
Special [1030pts]
Vermin Hulks [515pts]
Selections: Become Thunder Hulks [60pts], 4x Vermin Hulk [300pts]
Categories: S
Rules: Battle Focus, Callous, Fearless, Handlers, Safety in Numbers, Scoring
1 Global: Vermin Hulk Global, 2 Defensive: Vermin Hulk Defence, 3 Offensive: Vermin Hulk Offence, 4 Armour: Heavy Armour
Champion [160pts]
Selections: Naptha Launcher (4+) [140pts]
6 Ranged Weapon: Naphtha Launcher
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Vermin Hulk Global 6" 12" 6 Large Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Vermin Hulk Defence 3 2 5 1
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Vermin Hulk Offence 3 3 5 2 4
4 Armour Type Save Rules Ref
Heavy Armour Suit of Armour +2 A model part can only wear a single Suit of Armour.
6 Ranged
Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Naphtha Launcher 18" 2D6 5 1 Multiple Wounds (D3), Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Quick to Fire. This weapon ignores to-hit modifiers from Cover and Hard Target.
Vermin Hulks [515pts]
Selections: Become Thunder Hulks [60pts], 4x Vermin Hulk [300pts]
Categories: S
Rules: Battle Focus, Callous, Fearless, Handlers, Safety in Numbers, Scoring
1 Global: Vermin Hulk Global, 2 Defensive: Vermin Hulk Defence, 3 Offensive: Vermin Hulk Offence, 4 Armour: Heavy Armour
Champion [160pts]
Selections: Naptha Launcher (4+) [140pts]
6 Ranged Weapon: Naphtha Launcher
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Vermin Hulk Global 6" 12" 6 Large Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Vermin Hulk Defence 3 2 5 1
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Vermin Hulk Offence 3 3 5 2 4
4 Armour Type Save Rules Ref
Heavy Armour Suit of Armour +2 A model part can only wear a single Suit of Armour.
6 Ranged
Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Naphtha Launcher 18" 2D6 5 1 Multiple Wounds (D3), Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Quick to Fire. This weapon ignores to-hit modifiers from Cover and Hard Target.
Tunnel Gunners [1240pts]
Dreadmill [300pts]
Categories: T G
Rules: Electric Discharge, Fearless, Grind Attacks (D3), Inanimate, Safety in Numbers, Swiftstride
1 Global: Dreadmill Global, 2 Defensive: Dreadmill Defence, 3 Offensive: Dreadmill Offence, 6 Ranged Weapon: Electric Discharge
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Dreadmill Global 8" 8" 7 Large Construct
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Dreadmill Defence 5 3 5 3
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Dreadmill Offence - - 5 2 4
6 Ranged Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Electric Discharge 15" 3 6 10 Multiple Wounds (D3), Lightning Attacks, Magical Attacks.
Dreadmill [300pts]
Categories: T G
Rules: Electric Discharge, Fearless, Grind Attacks (D3), Inanimate, Safety in Numbers, Swiftstride
1 Global: Dreadmill Global, 2 Defensive: Dreadmill Defence, 3 Offensive: Dreadmill Offence, 6 Ranged Weapon: Electric Discharge
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Dreadmill Global 8" 8" 7 Large Construct
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Dreadmill Defence 5 3 5 3
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Dreadmill Offence - - 5 2 4
6 Ranged Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Electric Discharge 15" 3 6 10 Multiple Wounds (D3), Lightning Attacks, Magical Attacks.
Verminous Artillery [170pts]
Selections: Plague Catapult [170pts]
Categories: T G
Rules: Battle Focus, Frenzy, Hatred, Safety in Numbers, War Machine
1 Global: Verminous Artillery Global, 2 Defensive: Verminous Artillery Defence, 3 Offensive: Catapult Crew, 6 Ranged Weapon: Plague Catapult (4+)
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Verminous Artillery Global 5" 5" 5 Large Construct
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Verminous Artillery Defence 5 1 4 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Catapult Crew 3 3 3 0 3
6 Ranged Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Plague Catapult (4+) 12-48" 1 3 10 Toxic Attacks, Magical Attacks
Verminous Artillery [170pts]
Selections: Plague Catapult [170pts]
Categories: T G
Rules: Battle Focus, Frenzy, Hatred, Safety in Numbers, War Machine
1 Global: Verminous Artillery Global, 2 Defensive: Verminous Artillery Defence, 3 Offensive: Catapult Crew, 6 Ranged Weapon: Plague Catapult (4+)
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Verminous Artillery Global 5" 5" 5 Large Construct
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Verminous Artillery Defence 5 1 4 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Catapult Crew 3 3 3 0 3
6 Ranged Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Plague Catapult (4+) 12-48" 1 3 10 Toxic Attacks, Magical Attacks
Weapon Team [150pts]
Selections: Globe Launcher (4+)
Categories: T G
Rules: Brood's Courage (Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard), Callous, Insignificant, Safety in Numbers, Scorched Fur, Tag Along
1 Global: Weapon Team Global, 2 Defensive: Weapon Team Defence, 3 Offensive: Weapon Team Offence, 4 Armour: Heavy Armour, 6 Ranged Weapon: Globe Launcher
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Weapon Team Global 5" 10" 5 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Weapon Team Defence 2 3 3 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Weapon Team Offence 2 3 3 0 4
4 Armour Type Save Rules Ref
Heavy Armour Suit of Armour +2 A model part can only wear a single Suit of Armour.
6 Ranged
Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Launcher 18" 2D6 3 10 Toxic Attacks, Magical Attacks, Volley FIre, Quick to Fire. If a Standard Size model equipped with a Globe Launcher is within 3" of a unit with at least one Rat-at-Arms or Vermin Guard model when shooting, it may draw Line of Sight to the target as if this unit was shooting instead of itself (i.e. the unit cannot be Fleeing, Shaken, or Engaged). The target must still be within range and in the Front Arc of the model shooting with the Globe Launcher.
Weapon Team [150pts]
Selections: Globe Launcher (4+)
Categories: T G
Rules: Brood's Courage (Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard), Callous, Insignificant, Safety in Numbers, Scorched Fur, Tag Along
1 Global: Weapon Team Global, 2 Defensive: Weapon Team Defence, 3 Offensive: Weapon Team Offence, 4 Armour: Heavy Armour, 6 Ranged Weapon: Globe Launcher
1 Global Adv Mar Dis Size Type Ref
Weapon Team Global 5" 10" 5 Standard Infantry
2 Defensive HP Def Res Arm Ref
Weapon Team Defence 2 3 3 0
3 Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Ref
Weapon Team Offence 2 3 3 0 4
4 Armour Type Save Rules Ref
Heavy Armour Suit of Armour +2 A model part can only wear a single Suit of Armour.
6 Ranged
Weapon Range Shots Str AP Attributes Ref
Launcher 18" 2D6 3 10 Toxic Attacks, Magical Attacks, Volley FIre, Quick to Fire. If a Standard Size model equipped with a Globe Launcher is within 3" of a unit with at least one Rat-at-Arms or Vermin Guard model when shooting, it may draw Line of Sight to the target as if this unit was shooting instead of itself (i.e. the unit cannot be Fleeing, Shaken, or Engaged). The target must still be within range and in the Front Arc of the model shooting with the Globe Launcher.
Selection Rules
Aegis (4+, against Magical Attacks): Aegis is a Special Save. A model must reroll successful Aegis saves against attacks with Divine Attacks.
Aegis (5+): Aegis is a Special Save. A model must reroll successful Aegis saves against attacks with Divine Attacks.
Battle Focus: If the attack hits with a natural to-hit roll of ‘6’, the attack causes two hits instead of one.
Brood's Courage (Rats-at-Arms, Vermin Guard): When the model is within 6” of a unit that includes at least one model from one of the unit entries stated in brackets (X), it may use the Full Ranks of this unit for the purpose of calculating the Discipline modifier it gains from Safety in Numbers.
Callous: The model is allowed to use Shooting Attacks and The Awakened Swarm (Hereditary Spell) against enemy units that are Engaged in Combat with friendly units, as long as all friendly units Engaged in the Combat are of Standard Size. All units Engaged in this Combat are ignored for Cover purposes. When a model with this rule targets an enemy unit Engaged in Combat with a Shooting Attack or with The Awakened Swarm, roll to hit as normal against the intended target. Each hit must then be randomised to see which unit it hits. Roll a D6 for each hit. On 3+ it hits the intended target. Otherwise it hits a friendly unit that is Engaged in that Combat. If there are several friendly units involved in the Combat, randomise which one is hit.
Commanding Presence: All Generals have the Commanding Presence Universal Rule. All units within 12" of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Commanding Presence may borrow the Discipline of the model with Commanding Presence, instead of using their own Discipline (t his ability follows all the normal rules for using a Borrowed Characteristic, meaning that effects modifying the Discipline of the model with Commanding Presence are applied before borrowing the model’s Discipline ; this borrowed Discipline may then be further modified ) .
Disposable: Units with this rule that Break from combat are immediately destroyed.
When checking if an enemy unit is Steadfast, your Slave units count as having 0 Full Ranks, unless the Slave unit is Engaged in the enemy unit’s Flank or Rear Facing.
When shooting into combat where the only Engaged friendly models are Slaves, the Shooting Attack gains +2 to hit and -1 to rolls for randomising which unit is hit with Callous.
Electric Discharge: Model parts with this Special Attack can use it as a Shooting Attack and as a Melee Attack.
⦁ As a Shooting Attack: Choose a target using the normal rules for Shooting Attacks. The Shooting Attack has Range 15", Shots 3, Reload!, Accurate,
Quick to Fire, and Aim (4+).
Before Shooting, the model may Supercharge the Electric Discharge. If so, the Shooting Attack gains +3" Range this phase.
⦁ As a Melee Attack: The attack is made at the model part's Initiative Step. Choose a single unit in base contact as the target of 3 Melee Attacks. These Melee Attacks always hit on 3+.
Hits from Electric Discharge are resolved with Strength 6, Armour Penetration 10, Multiple Wounds (D3), Lightning Attacks, and Magical Attacks. For each natural to-hit roll of ‘1’, the Dreadmill suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour Piercing 10. If the Dreadmill Supercharged its Electric Discharge in the same phase, these hits gain Multiple Wounds (D3).
Fearless: If more than half of a unit's models are Fearless, the unit automatically passes Panic Tests and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction (unless already Fleeing). Models that are Fearless are also immune to the effects of Fear.
Frenzy: The model gains Fearless. At the start of the Charge Phase, each of your units with at least one model with Frenzy that could Declare a Charge against an enemy unit within the unit’s Advance Rate +7″ must take a Discipline Test, called a Frenzy Test. If the test is failed, the whole unit must Declare a Charge this Player Turn if possible. When a unit with at least one model with Frenzy takes a Frenzy Test or Discipline Test to restrain from Pursuing, the test is subject to Maximised Roll.
- When measuring if a unit must take a Frenzy Test, use the lowest available Advance Rate among the unit’s models.
- If the unit has Fly and there is more than one Advance Rate available, you must use the type of movement (ground or Fly) that has the highestchance of completing the charge.
- When a unit is forced to Declare a Charge due to a failed Frenzy Test, it is not forced to charge the enemy unit that triggered the Frenzy Test.
- Characters are never forced to charge out of their units due to failed Frenzy Tests.
Grind Attacks (D3): At the Agility of the model part with Grind Attacks Agility, it must choose an enemy unit in base contact with it. The chosen enemy unit suffers a number of hits equal to the value stated in brackets (X). These hits are resolved with the model part 's own Strength and Armour Penetration .
If a model has both Grind Attacks and Impact Hits, it may only use one of these rules in the same Round of Combat (its controlling player may choose which). When several model parts in the same unit have Grind Attacks and when X is a random number (e.g. Grind Attacks (2D3)), roll for the number of hits separately for each model part .
Handlers: The unit may perform Swift Reforms as if it had a Musician.
Hatred: During the first Round of Combat, failed to-hit rolls from attacks with Hatred must be rerolled.
Honourless: A Character with Honourless cannot be chosen by the enemy as the model that refuses a Duel.
Inanimate: Model parts with Inanimate cannot make Close Combat Attacks and cannot use Shooting Weapons. Shooting Weapons carried by model parts with Inanimate can be used by other model parts of the same model (and do not have Restraints or Inanimate).
Insignificant: Units consisting entirely of models with Insignificant do not cause Panic Tests on friendly units without
Insignificant. Only Insignificant Characters can join units with Insignificant R&F models.
Rally Around the Flag: All units within 12" of a friendly non-Fleeing model with Rally Around the Flag may reroll failed Discipline Tests.
Safety in Numbers: Non-fleeing units comprised entirely of models with Safety in Numbers add their number of Full Ranks after the first one to their
Discipline, up to a maximum of +3 and never above 10. Safety in Numbers cannot be used to modify the Discipline that is distributed by models with Commanding Presence (but the received Commanding Presence can be modified by Safety in Numbers). Furthermore, units comprised entirely of models with Safety in Numbers gain +1” to their Flee Distance rolls.
Schemer: Spells cast by the model gain +3" Range. Instead of selecting spells as normal, the model knows 5 of the following spells (select which during Spell Selection): The Awakened Swarm (Hereditary Spell), Scrying, Fate’s Judgement, Unerring Strike, Portent of Doom, and Know Thy Enemy from Divination
Scorched Fur: When the model rolls Breakdown on the Misfire Table it is removed as a casualty.
Scoring: Units with at least one model with Scoring are considered to be Scoring Units, which are used for winning Secondary Objectives. Every army needs a few Scoring units to be able to complete Secondary Objectives, which is why units with Scoring are marked in the Army Books with a special pennant icon.
Scoring can be lost during the game:
● A unit that is Fleeing loses Scoring for as long as it if Fleeing.
● An Ambushing unit that enters the Battlefield on Game Turn 4 or later loses Scoring.
● A unit that has performed a Post-Combat Reform loses Scoring until the end of the current Player Turn.
Supernal: The model gains Unstable. When a unit consisting entirely of models with Supernal loses a combat, the unit must take a Break Test (Stubborn or Steadfast units ignore modifiers from Combat Score difference as normal). If the Break Test is passed, ignore all Health Points that would be lost due to Unstable. If the Break Test is failed, follow the rules for Unstable as normal.
Swiftstride: If a unit is composed entirely of models with Swiftstride, its rolls for Charge Range, Flee Distance, Pursuit Distance, and Overrun Distance are subject to Maximised Roll
Tag Along: If the model is within 3" of a non-fleeing unit with at least one Rat-at-Arms or Vermin Guard model, it gains Aegis (4+) against Ranged Attacks.
War Machine: The Model gains Move or Fire. The model cannot Pursue, Declare Charges or Declare Flee as Charge Reaction. Characters can never join units with one or more War Machines.
When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing it is Shaken until the end of the next Player Turn. War Machines that fail a Break Test are automatically destroyed. War Machines and units Engaged in Combat with them cannot make Combat Reforms.
When a unit charges a War Machine, it can move into base contact by having its Front Facing contact any point of the War Machine’s base (it must still maximise the number of models in base contact, see Bases and Base Contact). No Align Move is allowed. Ignore the War Machine’s Facing, as it does not have any due to its round base.
Wizard Master: The Wizard gains Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls, and selects its spells as described in Spell Selection.
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