Sebastian Thuring
Sebastian Thuring „TheBast“
Thousands Sons: Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Hauptkontingent) - 445 Points
*************** 1 Lord of War ***************
Magnus the Red - - - > 445 Points (Warlord: Lord of Forbidden Lore), (Death Hex, Warptime, Glamour of Tzeentch, Weaver of Fates)
Death Guard: Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment - 470 Points
*************** 1 Lord of War ***************
Mortarion - - - > 470 Points (Miasma of Pestilence, Blades of Putrefaction, Curse of the leper)
Death Guard: Battalion Detachment - 1084 Points
*************** 2 HQ ***************
Typhus - - - > 175 Points (Gift of Contagion, Putrescent Vitality)
Chaos Lord
'+ Power sword, Chainsword -> 4 Pkt. - - - > 78 Points
*************** 3 Troops ***************
10 Poxwalkers - - - > 60 Points
10 Poxwalkers - - - > 60 Points
10 Poxwalkers - - - > 60 Points
*************** 1 Fast Attack ***************
Foetid Bloat-drone, Two plaguespitters, Plague probe - - - > 158 Points
*************** 3 Heavy Support ***************
Plagueburst Crawler, Heavy slugger, 2 Entropy cannon - - - > 146 Points
Plagueburst Crawler, Heavy slugger, 2 Entropy cannon - - - > 146 Points
Chaos Predator, Twin lascannon, 2 Lascannons, Havoc launcher - - - > 201 Points
Total points: 1999
Commandpoints: 8