Michael "eXi"
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [34 PL, 650pts] ++
Hive Fleet: Kraken
+ HQ [22 PL, 436pts] +
Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 218pts]: Chameleonic Mutation, Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms [28pts], Warlord, Warlord Trait: Adaptive Biology, Wings [2 PL, 47pts]
Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 218pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: The Horror, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms [28pts], Wings [2 PL, 47pts]
+ Troops [6 PL, 99pts] +
Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 33pts]: 3x Ripper Swarm [33pts]
Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 33pts]: 3x Ripper Swarm [33pts]
Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 33pts]: 3x Ripper Swarm [33pts]
+ Heavy Support [6 PL, 115pts] +
Carnifexes [6 PL, 115pts] Carnifex [115pts]: Enhanced Senses [10pts], Spore Cysts [10pts], 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms [28pts]
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) [23 PL, 299pts] ++
+ HQ [8 PL, 146pts] +
Magus [4 PL, 73pts]: Power: Mind Control
Magus [4 PL, 73pts]: Power: Mind Control
+ Troops [15 PL, 153pts] +
Neophyte Hybrids [5 PL, 53pts]: 9x Neophyte Hybrid [45pts]
. Neophyte Leader [8pts]: Chainsword, Web Pistol [3pts]
Neophyte Hybrids [5 PL, 50pts]: 9x Neophyte Hybrid [45pts]
. Neophyte Leader [5pts]: Autogun, Cultist Knife
Neophyte Hybrids [5 PL, 50pts]: 9x Neophyte Hybrid [45pts]
. Neophyte Leader [5pts]: Autogun, Chainsword
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [53 PL, 1050pts] ++
Hive Fleet: Kronos
+ HQ [9 PL, 210pts] +
Malanthropes [5 PL, 140pts]: Malanthrope [140pts]
Neurothrope [4 PL, 70pts]: Power: The Horror
+ Troops [9 PL, 120pts] +
Termagants [3 PL, 40pts]: 10x Termagant (Fleshborer) [40pts]
Termagants [3 PL, 40pts]: 10x Termagant (Fleshborer) [40pts]
Termagants [3 PL, 40pts]: 10x Termagant (Fleshborer) [40pts]
+ Elites [13 PL, 288pts] +
Hive Guard [13 PL, 288pts]
. Hive Guard [48pts]: Impaler Cannon [30pts]
. Hive Guard [48pts]: Impaler Cannon [30pts]
. Hive Guard [48pts]: Impaler Cannon [30pts]
. Hive Guard [48pts]: Impaler Cannon [30pts]
. Hive Guard [48pts]: Impaler Cannon [30pts]
. Hive Guard [48pts]: Impaler Cannon [30pts]
+ Heavy Support [22 PL, 432pts] +
Exocrine [11 PL, 216pts]
Exocrine [11 PL, 216pts]
++ Total: [110 PL, 1999pts] ++