Daire O'Mahony
+ TEAM: Ireland
+ ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
== Battalion detachment +5 CP - Drukhari (Prophets of Flesh) [81 PL, 1344pts] ==
HQ1: Haemonculus (70pts), Hexrifle [5pts], Electrocorrosive whip [6pts], Relic:The Vexator Mask <Prophets of Flesh> [5 PL,
HQ2: Urien Rakarth (90pts) <Prophets of Flesh> [5 PL, 90pts]
Troop1: Wracks: Acothyst [9pts], 4 Wracks [4x9pts], 5 Haemonculus tools (0) <Prophets of Flesh> [3 PL, 45pts]
Troop2: Wracks: Acothyst [9pts], 4 Wracks [4x9pts], 5 Haemonculus tools (0) <Prophets of Flesh> [3 PL, 45pts]
Troop3: Wracks: Acothyst [9pts], Venom Blade [2pts], 4 Wracks [4x9pts], 4 Haemonculus tools (0) <Prophets of Flesh> [3 PL,
Elite1: 10 Grotesques [10x32pts], 10 x Monstrous cleaver (0), 10 x Flesh Gauntlet (30) <Prophets of Flesh> [20 PL, 350pts]
Heavy1: 3 Talos [3x75pts], 3x Chain-Flails [9pts], 3x Macro-Scalpel [12pts], 3 x 2 Haywire blaster [48pts], <Prophets of Flesh> [18
PL, 294pts]
Heavy2: 2 Talos [2x75pts], 2x Chain-Flails [2x3pts], 2x Macro-Scalpel [8pts], 2 x 2 Haywire blaster [6x8pts], <Prophets of Flesh>
[12 PL, 196pts]
Heavy3: 2 Talos [2x75pts], 2 Chain-Flails [2x3pts], 2 Macro-Scalpel [8pts], 2 x 2 Haywire blaster [6x8pts], <Prophets of Flesh> [12
PL, 196pts]
== Battalion detachment +5 CP - Drukhari (Mixed Detachment) [14 PL, 225pts] ==
HQ3: Archon [70pts], Splinter Pistol [0pts], Husk Blade [6pts], Warlord: Labyrinthine Cunning <Kabal of the Black Heart> [4 PL,
HQ4: Succubus [50pts], Shardnet and impaler (5pts), <Cult of the Cursed Blade> [4 PL, 55pts]
Troop4: 4 Kabalite Warriors [4x6pts], 1 Sybarite [6pts], 5 Splinter Rifles [0pts] <Kabal of the Black Heart> [2 PL, 30pts]
Troop5: 4 Kabalite Warriors [4x6pts], 1 Sybarite [6pts], 5 Splinter Rifles [0pts] <Kabal of the Black Heart> [2 PL, 30pts]
Troop6: 4 Kabalite Warriors [4x6pts], 1 Sybarite [6pts], 5 Splinter Rifles [0pts] <Kabal of the Black Heart> [2 PL, 30pts]
== Air Wing Detachment +1CP - Drukhari (Kabal of the Black Heart) [24 PL, 435pts] ==
Flyer1: Razorwing Jetfighter (105pts), Twin splinter rifle [0pts], 2 Dark Lances [2x20pts], <Kabal of the Black Heart> [8 PL, 145pts]
Flyer2: Razorwing Jetfighter (105pts), Twin splinter rifle [0pts], 2 Dark Lances [2x20pts], <Kabal of the Black Heart> [8 PL, 145pts]
Flyer3: Razorwing Jetfighter (105pts), Twin splinter rifle [0pts], 2 Dark Lances [2x20pts], <Kabal of the Black Heart> [8 PL, 145pts]