Patrice Müller
Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperium - Space Marines) [18 PL, 400pts]
Lord of War [18 PL, 400pts]
Roboute Guilliman [18 PL, 400pts]
Selections: Warlord
Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [95 PL, 1597pts]
HQ [7 PL, 130pts]
Chief Librarian Tigurius [7 PL, 130pts]
Selections: 2) Might of Heroes, 5) Psychic Fortress, 6) Null Zone
Troops [12 PL, 110pts]
Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]
Scout Sergeant [11pts]
Selections: Astartes shotgun, Chainsword
4x Scout w/Shotgun [44pts]
Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]
Scout Sergeant [11pts]
Selections: Astartes shotgun, Chainsword
4x Scout w/Shotgun [44pts]
Elites [57 PL, 905pts]
Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 111pts]
Selections: 2x Aggressor [42pts], Aggressor Sergeant [21pts], Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [48pts]
Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 111pts]
Selections: 2x Aggressor [42pts], Aggressor Sergeant [21pts], Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [48pts]
Company Veterans [3 PL, 32pts]
Space Marine Veteran [16pts]
Selections: Boltgun/Chainsword
Veteran Sergeant [16pts]
Selections: Boltgun/Chainsword
Relic Sicaran Battle Tank [14 PL, 217pts]
Selections: Heavy bolter [10pts], Storm bolter [2pts]
Two lascannons [50pts]
Selections: 2x Lascannon [50pts]
Relic Sicaran Battle Tank [14 PL, 217pts]
Selections: Heavy bolter [10pts], Storm bolter [2pts]
Two lascannons [50pts]
Selections: 2x Lascannon [50pts]
Relic Sicaran Battle Tank [14 PL, 217pts]
Selections: Heavy bolter [10pts], Storm bolter [2pts]
Two lascannons [50pts]
Selections: 2x Lascannon [50pts]
Flyer [19 PL, 452pts]
Fire Raptor Assault Gunship [19 PL, 452pts]
Two quad heavy bolters [72pts]
Selections: 2x Quad heavy bolter [72pts]
Two twin lascannons [100pts]
Selections: 2x Twin lascannon [100pts]