Andrzej Bełz
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
== Battalion Detachment (Tyranids) == [68 PL, 1093pts] +5CP
HQ1: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190pts), 2x Devourer with Brainleech Worms (2x7pts), Monstrous Rending Claws (0pts), Adrenal
Glads (5pts), Toxin Sacks (4pts) <KRAKEN>, Powers: Catalyst, Onslaught, Artifact: Chameleonic Mutation (0pts) - [11 PL, 213 pts]
HQ2: Neurothrope (70pts), <KRAKEN>, Power: The Horror - [4 PL, 70pts] - WARLORD (One Step Ahead)
Troops1: 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 15 additional Genestealers (15x10pts), 20x Rending Claws (20x2pts), 20x Scything Talons
(20x0pts), <KRAKEN> - [16 PL, 240pts]
Troops2: 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 15 additional Genestealers (15x10pts), 20x Rending Claws (20x2pts), 20x Scything Talons
(20x0pts), <KRAKEN> - [16 PL, 240pts]
Troops3: 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 15 additional Genestealers (15x10pts), 20x Rending Claws (20x2pts), 20x Scything Talons
(20x0pts), <KRAKEN> - [16 PL, 240pts]
Elites1: 3 Venomthropes (3x30pts), <KRAKEN> - [5 PL, 90pts]
== Battalion Detachment (Tyranids) == [56 PL, 907pts] +5CP
HQ3: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190pts), 2x Devourer with Brainleech Worms (2x7pts), Monstrous Rending Claws (0pts), Adrenal
Glads (5pts), <KRAKEN>, Powers: Onslaught, Paroxysm - [11 PL, 209 pts]
HQ4: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190pts), 2x Devourer with Brainleech Worms (2x7pts), Monstrous Rending Claws (0pts), Adrenal
Glads (5pts), <KRAKEN>, Powers: The Horror, Psychic Scream - [11 PL, 209 pts]
Troops4: 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 14 additional Genestealers (14x10pts), 19x Rending Claws (19x2pts), 19x Scything Talons
(19x0pts), <KRAKEN> - [16 PL, 228pts]
Troops5: 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 14 additional Genestealers (14x10pts), 19x Rending Claws (19x2pts), 19x Scything Talons
(19x0pts), <KRAKEN> - [16 PL, 228pts]
Troops6: 3 Ripper Swarms (3x11pts), <KRAKEN> - [2 PL, 33pts]