+ TEAM: Sweden
+ ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
== Batallion Detachment == Drukhari The prophets of flesh: Connoisseurs of pain [67 Power Points] [1090 Points] 5 CP
HQ1: Urien Rakarth (90) Casket of flensing (0), Heamoncules tool (0), Ichor injector (0) � [5 pls] [90pts]
HQ2: Haemonculus (70), Hexrifle (5), Electrocorrosive whip (6) � [5 pls] [81pts]
TR1: 5 Wracks (45), Haemoncules tools (0) - [3pls] [45pts]
TR2: 5 Wracks (45), Haemoncules tools (0) - [3pls] [45pts]
TR3: 5 Wracks (45), Haemoncules tools (0) - [3pls] [45pts]
HS1: 3 Talos (75*3=), 3 chain-flails (3*3=9), 3 macro-scalpel (4*3=12), 6 haywire blasters (8*6=48) [18pls] [294pts]
HS2: 3 Talos (75*3=), 3 chain-flails (3*3=9), 3 macro-scalpel (4*3=12), 6 haywire blasters (8*6=48) [18pls] [294pts]
HS3: 2 Talos (75*2=150), 2 chain-flails (3*2=6), 2 macro-scalpel (4*2=8), 4 haywire blasters (8*4=32) [12pls] [196pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Drukhari Kabal of the blackheart: Thirst for power [25 Power Points] [451 Points] 1 CP
HQ3: Archon (70), Husk blade (6), shadowfield (0), splinter pistol (0) WARLORD <Labyrinthine Cunning>, Relic -(Writ of the living
muse) (0 CP) - [4pls] [76pts]
HS4: Ravager (80), 3 Disintigrator cannons (3*15=45), Bladevanes (0) [7pls] [125pts]
HS5: Ravager (80), 3 Disintigrator cannons (3*15=45), Bladevanes (0) [7pls] [125pts]
HS6: Ravager (80), 3 Disintigrator cannons (3*15=45), Bladevanes (0) [7pls] [125pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == Harlequins Dreaming shadow: Sombre Sentinells [26 Power Points] [458 Points] 1 CP
HQ4: Troupe Master (70), Caress (7), Fusion pistol (9) [4pls] [86 pts]
EL1: Death Jester (45), Shrieker canon (0) [3pls] [45pts]
EL2: Death Jester (45), Shrieker canon (0) [3pls] [45pts]
EL3: Death Jester (45), Shrieker canon (0) [3pls] [45pts]
FA1: 5 Skyweavers (5*30=150), 5 Haywire cannon (5*15=75), 3 x star bolas (3*0=0), 2 Zephyrglaive (2*6=12) [13pls] [237pts]