Sascha Rossol
+ Player Tourneykeeper Profile: Sascha Rossol, 5396
+ Army Faction: Heretic Astartes
== Battalion Detachment == Heretic Astartes [+5 Battalion Detachment +2 CP Abbadon =7 CP ] [842 pts] [53 PL]
HQ1: Abaddon the Despoiler <Black Legion> [240 pts] [12 PL] - WARLORD (First Amongst Traitors)
HQ2: Exalted Champion (70 pts), Power maul (4 pts), Relic: Black Mace, Chainsword (0 pts), Mark of Khorne (0 pts) <Black
Legion> [74 pts] [5 PL]
Troops1: 40 Chaos Cultists: 35 Chaos Cultists with Autogun (35*4 + 35*0 = 140), 4 Chaos Cultists with Heavy Stubbers (4*4 + 4*4
= 16 pts), Champion with Autogun (4 + 0 = 4 pts), Mark of Slaanesh (0 pts) <Black Legion> [176 pts] [12 PL]
Troops2: 40 Chaos Cultists: 35 Chaos Cultists with Autogun (35*4 + 35*0 = 140), 4 Chaos Cultists with Heavy Stubbers (4*4 + 4*4
= 16 pts), Champion with Autogun (4 + 0 = 4 pts), Mark of Slaanesh (0 pts) <Black Legion> [176 pts] [12 PL]
Troops3: 40 Chaos Cultists: 35 Chaos Cultists with Autogun (35*4 + 35*0 = 140), 4 Chaos Cultists with Heavy Stubbers (4*4 + 4*4
= 16 pts), Champion with Autogun (4 + 0 = 4 pts), Mark of Slaanesh (0 pts) <Alpha Legion> [176 pts] [12 PL]
== Battalion Detachment == Heretic Astartes <World Eaters> [+5 CP -1 CP Relic: Axe of blind Fury =4 CP] [743 pts] [49 PL]
HQ3: Kharn the Betrayer [160 pts] [8 PL]
HQ4: Exalted Champion (70 pts), Power axe (5 pts), Relic: Axe of the blind Fury (1 CP), Chainsword (0 pts), Mark of Khorne (0pts)
<World Eaters> [74 pts] [5 PL]
Troops4: 36 Chaos Cultists : 32 Chaos Cultists with Autopistol and brutal assault weapon (32*4 + 32*0 = 128 pts), 3 Chaos
Cultists with Heavy stubber (3*4 + 3*4 = 12 pts), Champion with Autopistol and brutal assault weapon (4 +0 = 4 pts), Mark of
Khorne (0 pts) [156 pts] [12 PL]
Troops5: 40 Chaos Cultists : 35 Chaos Cultists with Autopistol and brutal assault weapon (32*4 + 32*0 = 128 pts), 4 Chaos
Cultists with Heavy stubber (4*4 + 4*4 = 16 pts), Champion with Autopistol and brutal assault weapon (4 +0 = 4 pts), Mark of
Khorne (0 pts) [176 pts] [12 PL]
Troops6: 40 Chaos Cultists : 35 Chaos Cultists with Autopistol and brutal assault weapon (32*4 + 32*0 = 128 pts), 4 Chaos
Cultists with Heavy stubber (4*4 + 4*4 = 16 pts), Champion with Autopistol and brutal assault weapon (4 +0 = 4 pts), Mark of
Khorne (0 pts) [176 pts] [12 PL]
== Supreme Command Detachment == Thousand Sons [+5 CP -1 CP Relic: Helm of the third Eye =4 CP] [415 pts] [22 PL]
HQ5: Ahriman [131 pts] [7 PL] - Psychic Powers, Smite, Death Hex, Warptime, Doombolt
HQ6: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170 pts), 2x Malefic talons (0 +10 =10 pts) [180 pts] [9 PL] - Psychic Powers: Smite,
Infernal Gateway, Gaze of Fate
HQ7: Thousand Sons Sorcerer (95 pts), Inferno bolt pistol (1 pts), Force sword (8 pts), Relic: Helm of the third Eye (1 CP) [104 pts]