Fritz Peters
+ Player Tourneykeeper Profile: Fritz Peters, 1870
+ Army Faction: Tyranids
== Battalion Detachment == [+5CP] Tyranids <Kraken> (45 PL, 798pts)
HQ1: Hive Tyrant (143), Wings (47), Heavy Venom Cannon (25), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Adrenal Glands (5), Toxin Sacs (4)
<Kraken> (11 PL, 224pts): Warlord (Adaptive Biology); (Relic: Chameleonic Mutation)Psychic Powers: Catalyst, Smite, Onslaught
HQ2: Hive Tyrant (143), Wings (47), Heavy Venom Cannon (25), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Adrenal Glands (5), Toxin Sacs (4)
<Kraken> (11 PL, 224pts): (Relic: Miasma Cannon)Psychic Powers: Smite, the Horror, Psychic Scream
Troop1: 17x Hormagaunts (5x17=85 pts) <Kraken> (6 PL, 85pts)
Troop2: 17x Hormagaunts (5x17=85 pts) <Kraken> (6 PL, 85pts)
Troop3: 18x Hormagaunts (5x18=90 pts) <Kraken> (6 PL, 90pts)
Elite1: 3x Venomthropes (30x3=90 pts) <Kraken> (5 PL, 90pts)
== Battalion Detachment == [+5CP] Tyranids <Kraken> (64 PL, 1201pts)
HQ3: Old One Eye <Kraken> (10 PL, 200pts)
HQ4: Hive Tyrant (143), Wings (47), Heavy Venom Cannon (25), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), Adrenal Glands (5), Toxin Sacs (4)
<Kraken> (11 PL, 224pts):
Psychic Powers: Smite, the Horror, Paroxysm
Troop4: 18x Hormagaunts (5x18=90 pts) <Kraken> (6 PL, 90pts)
Troop5: 18x Hormagaunts (5x18=90 pts) <Kraken> (6 PL, 90pts)
Troop6: 9x Tyranid Warriors (20x9=180 pts), 6x Deathspitter (5x6=30), 3x Barbed Strangler (10x3=30), 9x Boneswords (2x9=18),
9x Adrenal Glands (1x9=9) <Kraken> (13 PL, 267pts)
Heavy Support1: Carnifex Brood, 3 Carnifexes:
-Carnifex (67), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2*7=14), Monstrous Crushing Claws (12), Adrenal Glands (5), Bone Mace
(2), Spore Cysts (10) <Kraken>
-Carnifex (67), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2*7=14), Monstrous Crushing Claws (12), Adrenal Glands (5), Bone Mace
(2), Spore Cysts (10) <Kraken>
-Carnifex (67), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2*7=14), Monstrous Crushing Claws (12), Adrenal Glands (5), Bone Mace
(2), Spore Cysts (10) <Kraken>
(18 PL, 330pts)