Anthony Chew
+ TEAM: England
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperial Knights
== Knight Lance: Super-Heavy Detachment ==
Imperial Knights House Terryn [71 Power Points] [1307 Points] +6CP
LoW1: Knight Crusader (285) with a rapid-fire battlecannon (100), an avenger gatling cannon (75), two heavy stubbers (8), a
heavy flamer (17) and titanic feet (0) - [25pls] [485pts] � WARLORD <Ion Bulwark> - Heirloom of the Noble Houses (free)
<Thunder of Voltoris>
LoW2: Knight Warden (285) with a reaper chainsword (30), an avenger gatling cannon (75), a heavy stubber (4), a heavy flamer
(17) and titanic feet (0) - [23pls] [411pts]
LoW3: Knight Warden (285) with a reaper chainsword (30), an avenger gatling cannon (75), a heavy stubber (4), a heavy flamer
(17) and titanic feet (0) - [23pls] [411pts]
== Knight Lance: Super-Heavy Detachment ==
Imperial Knights House Terryn [38 Power Points] [682 Points] +3CP
LoW4: Knight Gallant (285) with a reaper chainsword (30), a thunderstrike gauntlet (35), a heavy stubber (4) and titanic feet (0) -
[20pls] [354pts]
LoW5: Armiger Warglaive (160) with a reaper chain cleaver (0), a thermal spear (0), and a heavy stubber (4) - [9pls] [164pts]
LoW6: Armiger Warglaive (160) with a reaper chain cleaver (0), a thermal spear (0), and a heavy stubber (4) - [9pls] [164pts]