+ TEAM: Switzerland
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
== BATTALION DETACHMENT == Tyranids - Hive Fleet Kraken [847pts - PL53] +5cp
HQ1 : The Swarmlord [300pts - 15PL] - (Smite, Dominion, Paroxysm)
HQ2 : Neurothrope [70pts - PL4] - (Smite, Paroxysm)
Troop1 : 20 Genestealers(20x10), 5 Acid maw(0), 20 Rending claws(20x2), 20 Scything talons(20x0) [240pts - PL16]
Troop2 : 17 Genestealers(17x10), 4 Acid maw(0), 17 Rending claws(17x2), 17 Scything talons(17x0) [204pts - PL16]
Troop3 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33pts - PL2]
== VANGUARD DETACHMENT == Tyranids - Hive Fleet Kronos [646pts - PL31] +1CP
HQ3 : Neurothrope(70), The Norn Crown(relic) [70pts - PL4] - WARLORD(Soul Hunger) - (Smite, Dominion)
Elite1 : 3 Hive Guards(3x18), 3 Impaler cannon(3x30) [144pts - PL7]
Elite2 : 3 Hive Guards(3x18), 3 Impaler cannon(3x30) [144pts - PL7]
Elite3 : 6 Hive Guards(6x18), 6 Impaler cannon(6x30) [288pts - PL13]
== SUPREME COMMAND DETACHMENT == Genestealer Cult [507pts - PL28] +1cp
HQ4 : Primus(71), Bonesword(5) [76pts - PL4]
HQ5 : Magus [73pts - PL4] - (Smite, Mass Hypnosis)
HQ6 : Magus [73pts - PL4] - (Smite, Mass Hypnosis)
Elite4 : 19 Purestrain Genestealers(19x15), 19 Rending claws(0), 19 Purestrain talons(0) [285pts - PL16]