Alessandro D'Agata
+ TEAM: Turkey
+ ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari � Drukhar Kabal of the Black Heart) [54 PL, 857pts] ++
HQ1:Archon (70),Huskblade(6) [4 PL, 76pts] WARLORD- Trait:Labyrinthine Cunnin, Relic: Write of the Living Muse -Kabal of the
Black Heart
HQ2:Archon (70), Huskblade(6) [4 PL, 76pts] -Kabal of the Black Heart
Troup1:Kabalite Warriors(6x5) [2 PL, 30pts]-Kabal of the Black Heart - DT1
Troup2:Kabalite Warriors(6x5) [2 PL, 30pts] -Kabal of the Black Heart - DT2
Troup3:Kabalite Warriors(6x5) [2 PL, 30pts] -Kabal of the Black Heart - DT3
HS1:Ravager(80) 3x Disintegrator cannon(45)-bladevanes(0) [7 PL, 125pts] -Kabal of the Black Heart
HS2:Ravager(80) 3x Disintegrator cannon(45) -bladevanes(0)[7 PL, 125pts]-Kabal of the Black Heart
HS3:Ravager(80) 3x Disintegrator cannon(45)-bladevanes(0) [7 PL, 125pts]-Kabal of the Black Heart
DT1:Raider(65), Disintegrator cannon(15) -bladevanes(0)[5 PL, 80pts]-Kabal of the Black Heart
DT2:Raider(65), Disintegrator cannon(15)-bladevanes(0) [5 PL, 80pts]�-Kabal of the Black Heart
DT3:Raider(65), Disintegrator cannon(15) -bladevanes(0)[5 PL, 80pts] -Kabal of the Black Heart
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari � Drukhari mixed detachment ) [14 PL, 220 pts] ++
HQ3:Succubus, Shardnet and impaler(5)[4 PL, 55pts]: -Cult Of The red Grief
HQ4:Haemonculus,stinger pistol(5) [5 PL, 75 pts]- Prophets of Flesh
Troup4:Kabalite Warriors(6x5) [2 PL, 30pts] - Kabal of the Black Heart
Troup5:Kabalite Warriors(6x5) [2 PL, 30pts] - Kabal of the Black Heart
Troup6:Kabalite Warriors(6x5) [2 PL, 30pts] - Kabal of the Black Heart
++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Aeldari � Drukhari Prophet of Flesh) [53 PL, 923pts] ++
HQ5:Urien Rakarth [5 PL, 90pts] � Prophets of Flesh
EL1:7xGrotesques (224) with Flesh Gauntlet and Monstrous cleaver (7x3) [12 PL, 245pts] � Prophets of Flesh
HS4:2xTalos (150), 2x Chain-Flails(6), 2x Macro-Scalpel (8), 4x Haywire Blaster (32) [12 PL, 196pts] � Prophets of Flesh
HS5:2xTalos(150), 2x Chain-Flails(6), 2x Macro-Scalpel (8), 4x Haywire Blaster (32) [12 PL, 196pts] � Prophets of Flesh
HS6:2xTalos (150), 2x Chain-Flails(6), 2x Macro-Scalpel (8), 4x Haywire Blaster (32) [12 PL, 196pts] � Prophets of Flesh