Tim Verbeek
+ TEAM: The Netherlands
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
== Battalion Detachment == Tyranids <Leviathan> + 5CP [761pts]
HQ 1: Winged Hive Tyrant (190), 2 Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms (2x7), Monstrous Scything Talons (15) - PL:11 - [219pts]
WARLORD trait: Leviathan, Perfectly adaptedRELIC: The Ymgarl Factor Powers: Smite, The Horror, Catalyst
HQ 2: Winged Hive Tyrant (190), 2 Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms (2x7), Monstrous Scything Talons (15), Adrenal Glands (5) -
PL:11 - [224pts]Powers: Smite, Psychic Scream, The Horror
HQ 3: Winged Hive Tyrant (190), 2 Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms (2x7), Monstrous Scything Talons (15) - PL:11 - [219pts]
Powers: Smite, Psychic Scream, Onslaught
TR 1: 3 Ripper swarms (3x11) - PL:2 - [33pts]
TR 2: 3 Ripper swarms (3x11) - PL:2 - [33pts]
TR 3: 3 Ripper swarms (3x11) - PL:2 - [33pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Tyranids <Jormungandr> + 1CP [1238pts]
HQ 1: Neurothrope (70) - PL:4 - [70pts] Powers: Smite, Catalyst
HQ 2: Neurothrope (70) - PL:4 - [70pts] Powers: Smite, Paroxysm
HS 1: 3 Carnifexes (3x67), 3 Heavy Venom Cannon (3x25), 3x2 Deathspitter with slimer maggots (6x7), 3 Enhanced Senses (3x10),
3 Sporecysts (3x10) - PL:18 - [378pts]
HS 2: 2 Carnifexes (2x67), 2 Heavy Venom Cannon (2x25), 2x2 Deathspitter with slimer maggots (4x7), 2 Enhanced Senses (2x10),
2 Sporecysts (2x10) - PL:12 - [252pts]
HS 3: 2 Carnifexes (2x67), 2 Heavy Venom Cannon (2x25), 2x2 Deathspitter with slimer maggots (4x7), 2 Enhanced Senses (2x10),
2 Sporecysts (2x10) - PL:12 - [252pts]
HS 4: Exocrine (216) - PL:11 - [216pts]