Ruud Steenbakkers
+ TEAM: The Netherlands
+ ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
== Battalion Detachment == Drukhari <Kabal of the Flayed Skull> +5CP [42 PL, 860pts] ++
HQ 1: Archon (70), Blast Pistol (10), Huskblade (6) - PL:4 - [86 pts]
HQ 2: Archon (70), Blast Pistol (10), Huskblade (6) - PL:4 - [86 pts]
TR 1: 4 Kabalite warriors (24), Sybarite (6), Blaster (17), 4 splinter rifles (0) - PL:2 - [47 pts]
TR 2: 4 Kabalite warriors (24), Sybarite (6), Blaster (17), 4 splinter rifles (0) - PL:2 - [47 pts]
TR 3: 4 Kabalite warriors (24), Sybarite (6), Blaster (17), 4 splinter rifles (0) - PL:2 - [47 pts]
TR 4: 4 Kabalite warriors (24), Sybarite (6), Blaster (17), 4 splinter rifles (0) - PL:2 - [47 pts]
TR 5: 4 Kabalite warriors (24), Sybarite (6), Blaster (17), 4 splinter rifles (0) - PL:2 - [47 pts]
DT 1: Venom (55), 2 splinter cannons (20), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) - PL:4 - [75 pts]
DT 2: Venom (55), 2 splinter cannons (20), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) - PL:4 - [75 pts]
DT 3: Venom (55), 2 splinter cannons (20), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) - PL:4 - [75 pts]
DT 4: Venom (55), 2 splinter cannons (20), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) - PL:4 - [75 pts]
DT 5: Venom (55), 2 splinter cannons (20), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) - PL:4 - [75 pts]
DT 6: Venom (55), 2 splinter cannons (20), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) - PL:4 - [75 pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Drukhari <Prophets of Flesh> +1CP [41 PL, 678pts]
HQ 3: Urien Rakarth - PL:5 - [90 pts]
HS 1: 2x Talos (118), 2x Chain-Flails (6), 2x Macro-Scalpel (8), 4x Haywire Blasters (64) - PL:12 - [196 pts]
HS 2: 2x Talos (118), 2x Chain-Flails (6), 2x Macro-Scalpel (8), 4x Haywire Blasters (64) - PL:12 - [196 pts]
HS 3: 2x Talos (118), 2x Chain-Flails (6), 2x Macro-Scalpel (8), 4x Haywire Blasters (64) - PL:12 - [196 pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == Drukhari <Kabal of the Black Heart> +1CP [25 PL, 462pts] ++
HQ 4: Archon (70) Blast Pistol (10), Huskblade (6) - PL:4 - [86 pts]:
WARLORD trait: Labyrinthine CunningRELIC: Writ of the Living Muse
HS 4: Ravager (80) : 3x Disintegrator cannon (45), Shock Prow (1) - PL:7 - [126 pts]
HS 5: Ravager (80) : 3x Disintegrator cannon (45), Shock Prow (1) - PL:7 - [126 pts]
HS 6: Ravager (80) : 3x Disintegrator cannon (45), Shock Prow (1) - PL:7 - [126 pts]