Can Ozede
Can "Theoden" Ozede - Saurian Ancients
950 - Cuatl Lord, General, Battle Standard Bearer, 5 Spells, Master of Reality, Trained from Birth, Essence of a Free Mind, Jade Staff, Flaming Standard, Rending Banner, Wizard Master, Alchemy/Pyromancy
330 - 15x Saurian Warrior, M, S, Flaming Standard
330 - 15x Saurian Warrior, M, S, Flaming Standard
295 - 15x Saurian Warrior, M, S
975 - 30x Temple Guard, M, C, S, Totem of Mixoatl
135 - 2x Snake Swarms
470 - 1x Taurosaur, Great Bow
470 - 1x Taurosaur, Great Bow
540 - 1x Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients
TOTAL: 4495