Darren Williamson
Marshal, General, Great Tactician, Halberd, Imperial Seal, Talisman of Shielding, 380
Marshal, BSB, Shield, Blacksteel, Potion of Strength, 230
Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Arcane Engine with Arcane Shield, Light Armour, Alchemist Alloy, 420
Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Magical Heirloom, 245
Artificer, Long Rifle, Talisman of the Void, 185
Prelate, Plate Armour, Paired Weapons, Hero's Heart, 240
18x Light Infantry, crossbow, musician, 259
18x Light Infantry, handgun, full command, long rifle, marksmen's pennant, 324
16x Light Infantry, handgun, musician, champion, long rifle, 268
29x Heavy Infantry, full command, halberd, 329
30x Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Full command, 615
5x Reiters, brace of pistols, 175
5x Imperial Rangers, 90
5x Imperial Rangers, 90
Artillery, Cannon, 250
Artillery, Volley Gun, 200
Artillery, Mortar, 200
Total 4500