Alex Thomas
Alex Thomas, Ogre Khans
Shamen: General, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Iron Fight, Light Armour, Crown of Autocrasy, Talisman of the Void, Gut Roarer, 610
Khan: BSB, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Heavy Armour, Viper's Curse, Karkadan's Resilience, Cult Leader, 410
Bruisers x 12, Core: Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, 970
Bruisers x 3, Core: Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, 190
Sabretooth Tiger x 1, Special: 80
Sabretooth Tiger x 1, Special: 80
Mercenary Veterans x 6, Special, Class 1: Musician, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Heavy Armour, Accurate, Poison Attacks, 745
Bombardiers x 6, Class 1: Musician, Hand Canon, Light Armour, 464
Rock Auroch x 1, Class 2: Ogre Crossbow, 475
Rock Auroch x 1, Class 2: Ogre Crossbow, 475
Total: 4499