Jamie Kelly
++ The Vermin Swarm (The Vermin Swarm 2.0 Beta) [4500pts] ++
+ Characters +
Chief [270pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour, Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon, Shield
. Special Equipment: Banner of the Endless Swarm, Sceptre of Vermin Valour - Infantry only
Plague Patriarch [680pts]: 3 Dark Shards, Light Armour, Plague Flail, Plague Pendulum, Wizard Apprentice
. Special Equipment: Putrid Protection
Vermin Daemon [800pts]: Army General
+ Core +
Footpads [140pts]: Champion, 10x Footpads
Footpads [140pts]: Champion, 10x Footpads
Plague Brotherhood [290pts]: Champion, Musician, 20x Plague Brotherhood, Standard Bearer
. Banner Enchantment: Legion Standard
Rats-at-Arms [447pts]: Champion, Musician, 39x Rat-at-Arms, Standard Bearer
. Banner Enchantment: Aquila of Ruin
Slaves [190pts]: Musician, 35x Slave
+ Special +
Plague Disciples [224pts]: Champion, 10x Plague Disciple
Plague Disciples [224pts]: Champion, 10x Plague Disciple
Vermin Hulks [465pts]: Champion, 6x Vermin Hulk
+ Tunnel Gunners +
Dreadmill [290pts]
Verminous Artillery [170pts]: Plague Catapult
Verminous Artillery [170pts]: Plague Catapult
++ Total: [4500pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)