david golderos
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [86 PL, 1419pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Regimental Doctrine: Cadian
+ HQ +
Knight Commander Pask [13 PL, 223pts]: Display Tank Orders, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters
. Command Battle Tank: Battle Cannon
Tank Commander [12 PL, 213pts]: Display Tank Orders, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters
. Command Battle Tank: Battle Cannon
+ Troops +
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Militarum Tempestus Scions [5 PL, 117pts]
. 4x Scion: 4x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Scion w/ Vox-caster: Hot-shot Laspistol, Vox-caster
. Tempestor: Chainsword, Hot-shot Laspistol
+ Heavy Support +
Basilisks [21 PL, 324pts]
. Basilisk: Heavy Bolter
. Basilisk: Heavy Bolter
. Basilisk: Heavy Bolter
Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter
+ Dedicated Transport +
Chimera [6 PL, 93pts]: Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser
Chimera [6 PL, 93pts]: Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser
Chimera [6 PL, 93pts]: Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [23 PL, 381pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Regimental Doctrine: Cadian
+ HQ +
Company Commander [2 PL, 30pts]: Chainsword, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Grand Strategist, Laspistol, The Deathmask of Ollanius, Warlord
Tank Commander [12 PL, 213pts]: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters
. Command Battle Tank: Battle Cannon
+ Troops +
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 46pts]
. 7x Guardsman
. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar
. Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 46pts]
. 7x Guardsman
. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar
. Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 46pts]
. 7x Guardsman
. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar
. Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword
++ Total: [109 PL, 1800pts] ++