Tomas Högg
== Battalion Detachent, <Kabal of the Black Heart> + 5 CP ==
HQ1: Archon (86) Blast Pistol, Huskblade [86 pts]
HQ2: Archon (86) Blast Pistol, Huskblade [86 pts]
TR1: 5 Kabalite Warriors (30) [30 pts]
TR2: 5 Kabalite Warriors (30) [30 pts]
TR3: 5 Kabalite Warriors (30) [30 pts]
EL1: 9 Mandrakes (144) [144 pts]
EL2: 9 Mandrakes (144) [144 pts]
EL3: 6 Mandrakes (96) [96 pts]
DT1: Raider (65) with a Disintegrator cannon (15), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3) [83 pts]
DT2: Raider (65) with a Disintegrator cannon (15), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3) [83 pts]
Detachment Total [812pts]
== Spearhead Detachment, <Prophets og Flesh> + 1 CP ==
HQ1: Urien Rakarth (90) [90 pts] - WARLORD: Diabolical Soothsayer
HQ2: Haemonculus (70) Electrocorrosive whip (6), Hexrifle (5), The vexator Mask [81 pts]
HE1: 3 Talos (75) 6 Haywire Blaster (6*8), 3 Chain-Flails (3*3), 3 Macro-Scalpel (3*4) [294 pts]
HE2: 3 Talos (75) 6 Haywire Blaster (6*8), 3 Chain-Flails (3*3), 3 Macro-Scalpel (3*4) [294 pts]
HE3: 3 Talos (75) 6 Haywire Blaster (6*8), 3 Chain-Flails (3*3), 3 Macro-Scalpel (3*4) [294 pts]
Detachment Total [1053pts]
== Auxiliary Support Detachment, <Ulthwe> - 1 CP ==
HQ1: Farseer Skyrunner (135) Powers: Doom, Executioner [135 pts]