Rene Deleuran
== Battalion Detachment== Hive Fleet Kraken [68 Power Level] [1175 Points] [5 CP]
HQ1: Swarmlord, Catalyst, Onslaught [15pl] [300pts]
HQ2: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), 2 Devourers with brainleech worms (14), monstrous scything claws (15), adrenal glands (5), Psychic Scream, The Horror [11pl] [224] Chameleonic Mutation
TR1: 20 Genestealers (10), rending claws (2) [16pl] [240pts]
TR2: 20 Genestealers (10), rending claws (2) [16pl] [240pts]
TR3: 3 Warriors (20), rending claws (2), deathspitter (5) [5pl] [81pts]
Elite1: 3 Venomthropes (30) [5pl] [90pts]
== Battalion Detachment== Hive Fleet Kronos [41 Power Level] [825 Points] [5 CP]
HQ3: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), 2 Devourers with brainleech worms (14), monstrous scything claws (15), Catalyst, Paroxysm [11pl] [219] Warlord Soul Hunger
HQ4: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), 2 Devourers with brainleech worms (14), monstrous scything claws (15), Psychic Scream, The Horror [11pl] [219]
TR4: 3 Ripper Swarms (11) [2pl] [33]
TR5: 3 Ripper Swarms (11) [2pl] [33]
TR6: 3 Ripper Swarms (11) [2pl] [33]
Elite2: 6 Hive Guard (18), Impaler cannon (30) [13pl] [288pts]