Peter Korsos-Novak
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+ TEAM: Hungary Green
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Tyranids, Genestealer Cults
== Battalion Detachment == Tyranids <Kraken> - [73 PL] - [1246pts] +5 CP
HQ1: Neurothrope (70), Psychic Powers: Catalyst, Smite - [70 pts][4 PL]
HQ2: Neurothrope (70), Psychic Powers: Psychic Scream, Smite - [70 pts][4 PL]
TROOP1: Hormagaunts, 30x Hormagaunt (150) - [150pts][9PL]
TROOP2: Hormagaunts, 30x Hormagaunt (150) - [150pts][9PL]
TROOP3: Termagants, 29x Termagant (116), 29x Fleshborer (0) - [116pts][9PL]
TROOP4: Termagants, 30x Termagant (120), 30x Fleshborer (0) - [120pts][9PL]
ELITE1: Venomthropes, 3x Venomthrope (90) - [90pts][5PL]
ELITE2: Zoanthropes, 4x Zoanthrope (160), Psychic Powers: Dominion, Smite - [160pts][8PL]
ELITE3: Zoanthropes, 4x Zoanthrope (160), Psychic Powers: The Horror, Smite - [160pts][8PL]
ELITE4: Zoanthropes, 4x Zoanthrope (160), Psychic Powers: Onslaught, Smite - [160pts][8PL]
== Battalion Detachment == Genestealer Cults - [751pts] +5 CP
HQ3: Acolyte Iconward (53), Autopistol (0), Blasting charge (0), Rending claw (0) [53 pts] [3PL] - Relic: Icon of the Cult Ascendant - WARLORD /Focus of Adoration/
HQ4: Magus (73), Psychic Powers: Mind Control, Smite [73pts][4 PL]
HQ5: Patriarch (150), Psychic Powers: Mass Hypnosis, Smite [150 pts][7PL]
TROOP5: Neophyte Hybrids, 18x Neophytes (90), 1 Neophyte Leader (5), 19x Autogun (0), 19x Blasting Charge (0), 19x Auto Pistol (0) - [95 pts] [10PL]
TROOP 6: Neophyte Hybrids, 18x Neophytes (90), 1 Neophyte Leader (5), 19x Autogun (0), 19x Blasting Charge (0), 19x Auto Pistol (0) - [95 pts] [10PL]
TROOP 7: Neophyte Hybrids, 18x Neophytes (90), 1 Neophyte Leader (5), 19x Autogun (0), 19x Blasting Charge (0), 19x Auto Pistol (0) - [95 pts] [10PL]
TROOP 8: Neophyte Hybrids, 18x Neophytes (90), 1 Neophyte Leader (5), 19x Autogun (0), 19x Blasting Charge (0), 19x Auto Pistol (0) - [95 pts] [10PL]
TROOP 9: Neophyte Hybrids, 18x Neophytes (90), 1 Neophyte Leader (5), 19x Autogun (0), 19x Blasting Charge (0), 19x Auto Pistol (0) - [95 pts] [10PL]