Michael Bræmer Roune
Primary detachment: Space Marines (Ultramarines)
HQ1: Chief Librarian Tigurius, Ultramarines Master of Arcana [165]
HQ2: Captain (90), Powerfist (25), Storm shield (15), Artificer armour (20), Auspex (5), Bike (20), Chapter master (40), Melta bombs (5) [220] (warlord)
Elite1: 8 Honour guards (210), Chapter banner (25) [235]
Elite2: Ironclad dreadnought (135), Heavy flamer (10) [145] in Transport1
Elite3: Dreadnought (100), Heavy flamer (10) [110] in Transport2
Troop1: 6 Tactical marines (84), Combi-melta (10), Meltagun (10) [104] in Transport3
Troop1: 5 Tactical marines (70), Combi-melta (10), Meltagun (10) [90] in Transport3
Fast1: Drop pod [35]
Fast2: Rhino [35]
Heavy1: Thunderfire [100]
Heavy2: 4 Centurions (220), 4 Gravcannon and grav-amp (100), Omniscope (10) (330)
Primary detachment total: [1709]
Allied detachment: Officio Assassinorum
Elite1: Culexus Assassin [140]
Allied detachment total: [140]
Total: [1849]