+++ New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [109 PL, 1997pts] +++
++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Necrons) [72 PL, 1301pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Dynasty Choice: Dynasty: Novokh
+ HQ +
Cryptek [5 PL, 95pts]: Chronometron, Staff of Light
Destroyer Lord [7 PL, 131pts]: Artefact: The Nanoscarab Casket, Phylactery, Warscythe
. Warlord: Warlord Trait (Novokh): Crimson Haze
+ Fast Attack +
Canoptek Scarabs [6 PL, 104pts]: 8x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs [6 PL, 104pts]: 8x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs [6 PL, 117pts]: 9x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Destroyers [18 PL, 300pts]
. 6x Destroyer: 6x Gauss Cannon
+ Heavy Support +
Transcendent C'tan [12 PL, 225pts]: Fractured Personality: Cosmic Tyrant, Power of the C'tan: Sky of Falling Stars, Power of the C'tan: Transdimensional Thunderbolt
Transcendent C'tan [12 PL, 225pts]: Fractured Personality: Cosmic Tyrant, Power of the C'tan: Cosmic Fire, Power of the C'tan: Time's Arrow
++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Necrons) [37 PL, 696pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Dynasty Choice: Dynasty: Nihilakh
+ HQ +
Cryptek [5 PL, 85pts]: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light
+ Heavy Support +
Doomsday Ark [10 PL, 193pts]
Doomsday Ark [10 PL, 193pts]
Transcendent C'tan [12 PL, 225pts]: Fractured Personality: Cosmic Tyrant, Power of the C'tan: Antimatter Meteor, Power of the C'tan: Seismic Assault
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