Christopher Yallouris
Chris “Part-time Warlord” Yallouris
Dwarven Holds - 4500pts
195-Engineer, Rune of Resonance, Forge Repeater, General
390-Dragon Seeker, Monster Hunter, Rune of Quickening, Rune of Fury, Rune of Smashing
185-Anvil of Power
535-20 Greybeards, Throwing Weapons,Shields, Musician, Champion
590-20 Greybeards, Throwing Weapons, Shields, Full Command, Runic Standard of Wisdom
465- 20 Seekers, Champion, standard
320-14 Rangers, Shields, Crossbows
320-14 Rangers, Shields, Crossbows
245-10 Miners, Throwing Weapons, Shields
305-2 Steam Copters- attack copters
350-Grudge Buster
300-Catapult, Rune Crafted
300-Catapult, Rune Crafted