Detachment 1: Supreme Command (Faction: Thousand Sons) – 526p
HQ – Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch (166), Black Dtaff of Ahriman, Inferno bolt pistol, Frag, Krag, Psychic Powers: Smite, Infernal gaze, Death hex, Doombolt 166
HQ – Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170), 2x Sets of Malefic talons (10), Warlord Trait: High Magister, Relic: Helm of the third Eye Psychic Powers: Smite, Tzeentch’s Firestorm, Warptime 180
HQ – Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170), 2x Sets of Malefic talons (10, Psychic Powers: Smite, Waever of Fates, Infernal Gateway 180
Detachment 2: Battalion (Faction: Chaos Space Marions, Legion Trait: Alpha Legion, Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch) - 652
HQ – Chaos Lord with Jump pack(93), Bolt pistol (0), Frag (0), Krag (0), Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch, Relic: Blade of Hydra (0) 93
HQ – Sorcerer with Jump pack (112), Force sword (8), Bolt pistol (0), Frag (0), Krag (0), Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch, Psychic Powers: Smite, Prescience, Weaver of Fates 120
Troops – 10 Chaos Cultists (50): 9 Chaos Cultists + 1 Cultist Champion, 10 Autogun, Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch (0) 50
Troops – 10 Chaos Cultists (50): 9 Chaos Cultists + 1 Cultist Champion, 10 Autogun, Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch (0) 50
Troops – 10 Chaos Cultists (50): 9 Chaos Cultists + 1 Cultist Champion, 10 Autogun (0), Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch 50
Heavy Support – Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought (175), 2 Hellflamers (34), 2 Butcher cannon array (80), Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch 289
Detachment 3: Battalion (Faction: Chaos Daemons, Allegiance: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle) - 819
HQ – Daemon Prince with Wings (170), Relic: Skullreaver (10), Allegiance: Khorne 180
HQ – Changecaster, Ritual dagger, Psychic Powers: Smite, Gate of Fate, Flickering F´fire 65
HQ – Poxbringer (70), Balesword, Pschic powers: Smite, Miasma pf pestilence 70
Troops – 30 Pink Horrors (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Psychic powers: Smite 225
Troops – 30 Plaguebearer: 29 Plaguebearer + 1 Plagueridden (210), Daemonoc icon (15) 225
Troops – 3 Death Guard Nurglings (54), Diseases claws and teeth 54