Martin Bræmer Nielsen
PLAYER 1: Martin “Tun” Bræmer
PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Daemons of Chaos, Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1 - Warlord: Kairos Fateweaver, Orcale of Tzeentch, personal Vizir of Tzeentch [300]
HQ2a: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Mastery level 3 (50), Disc (25), Exalted Reward (30) [150]
HQ2b: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Mastery level 3 (50), Disc (25), Exalted Locus of Conjuration (25) [145]
HQ2c: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Mastery level 3 (50), Disc (25) [120]
TROOPS1: Nurglings [45]
TROOPS2: Nurglings [45]
FA1: Screamers of Tzeentch (75), 5 additional screamers (125) [200]
SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Tyranids, Leviathan - Hivefleet detachment
HQ3: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (30), Electroshok Grubs (10) [240]
HQ4: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (30), Electroshok Grubs (10) [240]
HQ5: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (30), Electroshok Grubs (10) [240]
TROOPS3: Mucolid Spore [15]
TROOPS4: Mucolid Spore [15]
TROOPS5: Mucolid Spore [15]
TROOPS6: Mucolid Spore [15]
TROOPS7: Mucolid Spore [15]
ELITE1: Venomthrope [45]
ARMY TOTAL: [1845]