Dmitrii Sokolinskii
Player 4: Dmitriy “1mpulse” Sokolinskiy
Player Tourneykeeper ID: 4313
Army name: Roaches - will be your coaches
Command Points: 18 (-4+d3 after Stratagems)
Army Points: 2000 pts
Kill Points: 18
Army Factions Used: Genestealer Cult, Tyranids
Reinforcement Points: 0
=== Battalion Detachment == Tyranids <Leviathan> [+5 CP] [951 pts]
HQ1: Broodlord [115 pts] Psychic Powers: Onslaught
HQ2: Tyranid Prime [78 pts] Deathspitter, Boneswords, Adrenal glands
TR1: Tyranid Warriors [269 pts]: 9 Tyranid Warriors, 6 deathspitter, 3 Venom cannon, 7 pairs of
boneswords, 2 pairs of Scything talons, 9 Adrenal glands
TR2: Tyranid Warriors [269 pts]: 9 Tyranid Warriors, 6 deathspitter, 3 Venom cannon, 7 pairs of
boneswords, 2 pairs of Scything talons, 9 Adrenal glands
TR3: Tyranid Warriors [111 pts]: 4 Tyranid Warriors, 3 deathspitter, 1 Venom cannon, 2 pairs of
boneswords, 2 pairs of Scything talons
TR4: Tyranid Warriors [109 pts]: 4 Tyranid Warriors, 3 deathspitter, 1 Venom cannon, 1 pairs of
boneswords, 3 pairs of Scything talons
=== Battalion Detachment == Genestealer Cult <Four-Armed Emperor> [+5 CP], Broodcoven [-1 CP] [405
HQ3: Magus [92 pts]: Familiar, [Additional Trait: Inscrutable cunning], Psychic Powers: Might from beyond,
Mass Hypnosis
HQ4: Patriarch [137 pts]: Familiar, [Warlord: Shadow stalker], Relic: The Crounchling, Psychic Powers:
Mental onslaught, Might from beyond, Mass Hypnosis
TR5: Brood brothers [40 pts]: 9 Brood brothers, Brood brothers Leader
TR6: Brood brothers [40 pts]: 9 Brood brothers, Brood brothers Leader
TR7: Acolyte Hybrids [96 pts]: 11 Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, 12 Hand flamers
=== Battalion Detachment == Genestealer Cult <Four-Armed Emperor>, Deliverance Bloodsurge [- 1 CP] (+5
CP) [644 pts]
HQ5: Iconward [53 pts] Field Commander: Augur of the Insurgent [-1 CP]
HQ6: Primus [72 pts]: Bonesword, [Additional Trait - Alien Majesty]
TR8: Acolyte Hybrids [136 pts]: 17 Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, Cult icon
TR9: Acolyte Hybrids [136 pts]: 17 Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, Cult icon
TR10: Acolyte Hybrids [129 pts]: 16 Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, Cult icon
EL1: Clamavus [55 pts]
EL2: Sanctus [60 pts]: Silencer sniper rifle, Relic -The gift from beyond [-1 CP]
Refined Strategy: 66 Priority Orders Received, 61 Kingslayer, 44 Mission critical objective, 46 Domination