Alexandr "Santan" Filippov
Player: Aliaksandr «Santan» Filippov
Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Alexandr «Santan» Filippov (5589)
Factions used: Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard
Command Points: 13
Army Points: 2000 pts
Kill Points: 17
Reinforcement Points: 0
++ Battalion Detachment +5 CP (Black Legion)
== <Black Legion> Battalion== +5cp, 1085pts
HQ1: Warpsmith [62] Melta, Flamer, Power Axe, Combi-bolter <Mark of Slaanesh>
HQ2: Abbadon the Despoiler [240 pts] Warlord without Equal +2 CP
TR1: Chaos Space Marines [171pts] 10*Chaos Space Marines, 8 Bolters, 2*Reaper Chaincannon,, chain-axe <Mark of Slaanesh>
TR2: Chaos Cultists [50] 10*Chaos Cultists,10*Autogun <Slaanesh>
TR3: Chaos Cultists [50] 10*Chaos Cultists,10*Autogun <Slaanesh>
HS1: Defiler [144pts] Reaper Autocannon, Defiler Scourge, Combibolter <Mark of Slaanesh>
HS2: Defiler [144pts] Reaper Autocannon, Defiler Scourge, Combibolter <Mark of Slaanesh>
HS3: Havocs [152] 5*Havocs, 4*Reaper Chaincannon, Combibolter, <Mark of Slaanesh>
DT1: Chaos Rhino [72] combi-bolter <Mark of Slaanesh>
== <Crimson Slaughters> Patrol== +0cp, 315pts
HQ3: Sorcerer [98 pts] Force Sword, <Mark of Slaanesh> Powers: Smite, Delightful Agonies, Prescience.
TR4: Chaos Cultists [50] 10*Chaos Cultists,10*Autogun <Slaanesh>
Fly1: Helldrake [167] Helldrake claws, Baleflamer <Slaanesh>
== <Heretic Astartes> Spearhad== +1cp, 600pts
HQ4: Master of Possession [98pts] Force Staff, <Mark of Tzeentch> <Black Legion> Powers:Sacrifice, Smite, Cursed Earth
FA1: Raptors [86] 5*Raptors, Icon of Wrath, chain-axe <Mark of Khorne> <World Eaters>
HS4: Plagueburst Crawler [136pts] Plagueburst Mortar, Heavy slugger, 2 Entropy cannon
HS5: Plagueburst Crawler [136pts] Plagueburst Mortar, Heavy slugger, 2 Entropy cannon
HS6: Defiler [144pts] Reaper Autocannon, Defiler Scourge, Combibolter <Mark of Slaanesh>