Philipp „arnadil“ Gisbertz – Beast Herds
590 - Beast Lord, General, Hunting Call, Razortusk Chariot, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, Shield, Binding Scroll, Crown of Horns, Death Cheater
465 - Minotaur Chieftain, BSB, Greater Totem Bearer, Paired Weapons, Aaghor’s Affliction
600 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Raiding Chariot, Light Armour, Ancestral Carvings, Binding Scroll, Eye of Dominance, Trickster’s Cunning, Shamanism
410 - 40 Mongrels, Spears, C, M, S, Banner of the Wild Herd
2x 250 - 15 Wildhorns, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, M
185 - 5 Centaurs, Paired Weapons
135 - 5 Gargoyles
480 - 20 Longhorns, Ambush, C, M, S, Blooded Horn Totem
654 - 6 Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, C, M, S, Banner of Speed, Black Wing Totem
475 - Gortach