

++ *Old* *Pitched Battle (1,000)* (Death: Legions of Nagash and Nighthaunt) [1240pts] ++

+ Leader [540pts] +

Coven Throne [260pts]: 1. Deathforged Chain, 3. Bane of the Living, 3. Vile Transference, General

Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern [140pts]: Chill Blade

Vampire Lord [140pts]: 5. Soulpike, Chalice of Blood, Mounted on Nightmare

+ Battleline [320pts] +

Chainrasp Horde [160pts]: 2x 10 Chainrasps [160pts]

Skeleton Warriors [160pts]: 2x 10 Skeleton Warriors [160pts], Ancient Blade, Hornblower, Standard Bearer

+ Other [380pts] +

Hexwraith [160pts]: 5 Hexwraith [160pts]

Morghast Harbingers [220pts]: 2 Morghast Harbingers [220pts], Spirit Swords

+ Allegiance +

Alliegiance: Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash

++ Total: [1240pts] ++

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