Marvin Petersen
Marvin "onkel_marv" Petersen - 19. Sachsengeballer für WH40K-<br>
Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1997<br>
Kommandopunkte der Armee : 19-1-3-3 = 12<br>
Stratagems used before battle: Archeotech specialists(1CP),<br> Heirlooms of the Houshold (3CP),<br> Exalted Court (3CP)<br>
Battalion Detachment: <br>
Astra Militarum: Vostroyan: - 534 Punkte (PL 38)<br>
*************** 3 HQ *************** <br>
Tank Commander, Punisher gatling cannon, Heavy bolter, 2 Plasma cannons, Storm bolter - - - > 192 Punkte (PL 13)<br>
Tank Commander, Punisher gatling cannon, Heavy bolter, 2 Plasma cannons, Storm bolter - - - > 192 Punkte (PL 13)<br>
Company Commander<br>
+ Chainsword, Laspistol, -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 30 Punkte (PL 3)<br>
*************** 3 Standard *************** <br>
Infantry Squad, Chainsword, Laspistol -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 40 Punkte (PL 3)<br>
Infantry Squad, Chainsword, Laspistol -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 40 Punkte (PL 3)<br>
Infantry Squad, Chainsword, Laspistol -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 40 Punkte (PL 3)<br>
Battalion Detachment: <br>
Adeptus Mechanicus: Mixed Forgeworlds: - 165 Punkte (PL 18)<br>
*************** 2 HQ *************** <br>
Tech-Priest Enginseer [Graia]<br>
+ Omnissian axe, Laspistol, Servo-arm -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 30 Punkte (PL 3)<br>
Tech-Priest Enginseer [Lucius]<br>
+ Omnissian axe, Laspistol, Servo-arm, The Solar Flare -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 30 Punkte (PL 3)<br>
*************** 3 Standard *************** <br>
5 Skitarii Rangers [Graia]<br>
+ Ranger Alpha, Galvanic rifle -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 35 Punkte (PL 4)<br>
5 Skitarii Rangers [Graia]<br>
+ Ranger Alpha, Galvanic rifle -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 35 Punkte (PL 4)<br>
5 Skitarii Rangers [Lucius]<br>
+ Ranger Alpha, Galvanic rifle -> 0 Pkt. - - - > 35 Punkte (PL 4)<br>
Super-Heavy Detachment: <br>
Imperial Knighs: Krast: <br>
- 1298 Punkte (PL 70)<br>
*************** 3 Lords of War *************** <br>
Knight Crusader [WARLORD]<br>
+ Avenger gatling cannon, Heavy flamer, Rapid-fire battle cannon + Heavy stubber, Heavy stubber, Ion Bulwark, The Headman's Mark -> 193 Pkt. - - - > 478 Punkte (PL 25)<br>
Knight Crusader<br>
+ Endless fury, Ironstorm missile pod, Heavy flamer, Thermal cannon, Heavy stubber, First Knight -> 183 Pkt. - - - > 468 Punkte (PL 25)<br>
Knight Gallant<br>
+ Reaper chainsword, Thunderstrike gauntlet, Heavy stubber, Armour of the sainted ion, Landstrider -> 67 Pkt. - - - > 352 Punkte (PL 20)<br>