Karsten Jensen
Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment – Codex Eldar
Secondary Detachment: Allied Detachment – Codex Dark Eldar
Tertiary Detachment: Seer Council Formation – Codex Eldar
Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment – Codex Eldar
HQ1: Farseer(100), Eldar Jetbike(15)[115](Warlord)
Elite1: Fire Dragons(110), Exarch(10)[120]
Troops1: Windriders(51), 3x Scatter Laser(30)[81]
Troops2: Windriders(51), 3x Scatter Laser(30)[81]
Troops3: Windriders(51), 3x Scatter Laser(30)[81]
Troops4: Windriders(51), 2x Scatter Laser(20)[71]
Troops5: Windriders(51), 2x Scatter Laser(20)[71]
Troops6: Windriders(51), 2x Scatter Laser(20)[71]
Fast1: Warp Spiders(95), Exarch(10)[105]
Fast2: Warp Spiders(95), Exarch(10)[105]
Fast3: Warp Spiders(95), Exarch(10)[105]
Heavy1: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery(30), D-Cannon(25)[55]
Heavy2: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery(30), D-Cannon(25)[55]
Primary Detachment Total: [1116]
Secondary Detachment: Allied Detachment – Codex Dark Eldar
HQ1: Court of the Archon(0), Lhamaean(10)[10]
Troops1: Kabalite Warriors(40)[40]
Fast1: Venom(55)[55]
Secondary Detachment Total: [105]
Tertiary Detachment: Seer Council Formation
HQ1: Farseer(100), Eldar Jetbike(15), Shard of Anaris(40)[155]
HQ2: Farseer(100), Eldar Jetbike(15)[115]
HQ3: Warlock Conclave(35), 6 Additional Warlocks(210), Jetbikes(105)[350]
Tertiary Detachment Total: [620]
Army Total: [1841]