Radosław Kruk
Faction: Ylthari's Guardians
0 Banned cards | 5 Restricted cards
Objectives (12)
235 - Alone in the Darkness (R)
243 - Change of Tactics (R)
257 - Escalation (R)
N265 - Lithe Spirits
N266 - Reclaim the Lamentiri
N268 - Song of Hatred
N269 - Strike Swiftly
N302 - Calculated Risk
N305 - Combination Strike
N371 - Sorcerous Scouring
P31 - Overpower
P35 - Strange Demise
Gambits (12)
330 - Healing Potion
331 - Hidden Paths
336 - Last Chance
348 - Ready for Action (R)
349 - Rebound
N271 - Curse of the Dwindling
N276 - Pangs of the Great Lack
N388 - Abasoth's Unmaking
N389 - Abasoth's Withering
N420 - Haymaker
N451 - Sphere of Aqshy
P46 - Sorcerous Flourish
Upgrades (12)
374 - Acrobatic
N282 - Constant Growth
N290 - Warding Stance
N499 - Faneway Crystal
N501 - Fighter's Ferocity
N503 - Gloryseeker
N527 - Potion of Constitution
N529 - Potion of Rage
N543 - Sudden Growth (R)
N557 - Well of Power
P50 - Eldritch Ward
P56 - Spectral Armour