Branislav Todic
Player: BranislavTodic
Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 7462
Factions used: Orks
Command Points: 12
Army Points: 2000
Kill Points: 28
Reinforcement Points: 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
== <Orks – EvilSunz>Battalion== +5cp, 1008pts
HQ: Warboss [4PL, 80pts]: Attack Squig, Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw, RELIC: Da KillaKlaw
HQ: Weirdboy [3PL, 62pts]: Power: Warpath
TR: Boyz [11PL, 223pts]: BossNobwithPowerKlaw and Slugga, 29x BoyzwithShoota, 3x TankbustaBombs
TR: Boyz [4PL, 83pts]: BossNobwithPowerKlaw and Slugga, 9x BoyzwithShoota, 1x TankbustaBombs
TR: Gretchin [1PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin
FA:Stormboyz [14PL. 265pts]: BossNobwithPowerKlaw and Slugga, 27x Stormboy
FA:Stormboyz [14PL, 265pts]: BossNobwithPowerKlaw and Slugga, 27x Stormboy
== <Orks – BadMoons>Battalion== +5cp, 444pts
HQ: Weirdboy [3PL, 62pts]: Power: Da Jump
HQ: Weirdboy [3PL, 62pts]: Power: Da Jump
TR: Boyz [11PL, 215pts]: BossNobwith Big Choppa and Slugga, 29x BoyzwithShoota, 3x TankbustaBombs
TR: Boyz [4PL, 75pts]: BossNobwith Big Choppa and Slugga, 9x BoyzwithShoota, 1x TankbustaBombs
TR: Gretchin [1PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin
== <Orks – Deathskulls>SpearheadDetachment == +1cp, 548pts, SpecialistDetachment: DreadWaaaagh! (-1CP)
HQ: Big MekwithShokkAttackGun [4PL, 84pts]: GrotOiler, ShokkAttackGun, RELIC: Da Souped-up Shokka (Extra Gubbins -1CP), Warlord: Opportunist
TR: Gretchin [1PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin
HS: MekGunz [10PL, 155pts]: 5 x MekGunzwithSmashaGun HS: MekGunz [10PL, 155pts]: 5 x MekGunzwithSmashaGun HS: MekGunz [8PL, 124pts]: 4 x MekGunzwithSmashaGun
Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,55,62,64,66