+Player 7 : Hugo « Shev » BOURGEOIS
+ Tourney Keeper ID : 1702
+ Faction army : Heretic Astartes ; Thousand Sons ; Chaos Deamons
+ Total Commande point : (3+5+5+1-1)=13
+ Total army points : 1947
+ Reinforcement : 53
== Battalion Detachment +5CP (Heretic Astartes - Thousand Sons), 888 pts ==
Legion: Thousand Sons
Mark: Mark Of Tzeentch
HQ 4 : Arhiman on Disc – [166] (Warptime, Diabolic Strenght, Prescience, Smite) <Tzeentch>
HQ 5 : Deamon of Tzeentch with wings (170), pairs of malefic talons (10) [180] (Weaver of Fate, Infernal Gateway, Smite) <Tzeentch>
HQ 6 : Sorcer in Terminator Armour, Inferno combi-bloter, Force stave, Familiar [122] (Glamour of Tzeentch, Flickering Flames, Smite) <Tzeentch>
Troop 1 : 25 Tzaangors (25*7) Brayhorn (10), Tzanngor Blades, Twistbray [185]
Troop 2 : 25 Tzaangors (25*7) Brayhorn (10), Tzanngor Blades, Twistbray [185]
Troup 3 : 10 Cultists (3PL, 50pts] Autogun, Cultist Champion
==Battalion detachment + 5CP (Deamons), 579 pts==
HQ 4 : Poxbringer [70] (Misama of Pestilency) <Nurgle>
HQ 5 : Herald of Slaanesh [60] (Dleightfoul Agonies, smite) <Slaanesh>
Troop 1 : 10 Brimstones [30] <Tzeentch>
Troop 2 : 28 Pink Horrors (28*7) , Instrument of choas (10) [206] <Tzeentch>
Troop 3 : 29 Plaguebrearers (29*7), Instrument of choas (10) [213] <Nurgle>
==Supreme Detachment +1CP (Heretic Astartes - Chaos Space Marines), 480pts Soulforged Pack -1 CP==
Legion: Flawless Host
Mark: Mark Of Slaanesh
HQ 6 : Lord Discordant on Helstalker [160pts] Autocannon, Techno Virus Injector, Bolt Pistol, Impaler Chainglaive, Mechatendrils WARLORD : ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE, RELIC FREE : Intoxicating Elixir
HQ 7 : Lord Discordant on Helstalker [160pts] Autocannon, Techno Virus Injector, Bolt Pistol, Impaler Chainglaive, Mechatendrils
HQ 8 : Lord Discordant on Helstalker [160pts] Autocannon, Techno Virus Injector, Bolt Pistol, Impaler Chainglaive, Mechatendrils
Refined Strategies card discarded :
41 – Advance, 46 – Domination, 55 – Psychological Warfare, 61 – Kingslayer, 62 – Witch Hunter, 64 - Assassinate