Bogdan Zanfir
• Drukhari Battalion Detachment Prophets pf Flesh
Urien Rakarth = 90 Haemonculus (70) + hexrifle (5) + Haemonculus tools = 75
6 Wracks (54) + Acothyst
+ Haemonculus tools = 54 5 Wracks (45) + Acothyst
+ Haemonculus tools = 45 5 Wracks (45)
+ Acothyst
+ Haemonculus tools = 45
8 Grotesques (256) + 7 × flesh gauntlet (21) + 7 × monstrous cleaver = 277
3 Talos (225) + chain-flails (9) + macro-scalpel (12) + 2 haywire blasters (48) = 294
• Drukhari Spearhead Detachment Black Heart
Archon (70) + splinter pistol + Venom Blade (2) + Writ of the Living Muse + Labyrinthine Cunning = 72
Ravager (80) + 3 × disintegrator cannon (45) = 125 Ravager (80) + 3 × disintegrator cannon (45) = 125 Ravager (80) + 3 × disintegrator cannon (45) = 125
Razorwing Jetfighter (105) + 2 disintegrator cannons (30) + twin splinter rifle = 135
• Harlequin Vanguard Detachment Dreaming Shadow
Shadowseer (125) + shuriken pistol = 125
Death Jester = 45 Death Jester = 45 Solitaire
= 98 5 Skyweavers (150) + 5 × haywire cannon (75) = 225
2.000 points Command Points 10 Power Rating 110