Lisek 4500 Pts - Vermin Swarm Army
1x Vermin Daemon: General, Wizard Master: 850 Pts
1x Plague Patriarch: Mount Plague Pendulum, Adept, Plague Flail, Light Armour, Basalt Infusion: 740 Pts
1x Chief Battle Standard Light Armour; Shield, Sceptre of Vermin Valour: 200 Pts
1x Dreadmill 330 Pts
1x Dreadmill 330 Pts
20x Plague Brotherhood: Paired Weapons, Champion, Musician: 245 Pts
25x Plague Brotherhood: Paired Weapons Standard Banner of the Endless Swarm: 325 Pts
20x Vermin Guard Halberd Heavy Armour Shield, Standard Lightning Rod 380 Pts
50x Slaves: 205 Pts
2x Rat Swarms 90 Pts
2x Rat Swarms 90 Pts
8x Plague Disciples 185 Pts
8x Plague Disciples 185 Pts
1x Weapon Team:Naphtha Launcher 150 Pts
1x Verminous Artillery - Plague Catapult 195 Pts
Models in Army: 141
Total Army Cost: 4500