Mark Jørgensen
ETC Primary Detachment: White Dwarf 69, War Convocation, Faction Cult Mechanicus + Imperial Knights + Skitarii
ETC Secondary Detachment : Codex Officio Assasinorum, Faction Assassins
ETC Tertiary Detachment: Codex Dark Angels, Allied Detachment, Faction Dark Angels
ETC Primary Detachment
War Convocation Formation – All upgrades are free.
Cult Mechanicus Detachment
HQ1: Warlord: Tech-Priest Dominus (105), , The Scryerskull Perspicatus (0), eradication ray (0), phosphor serpenta (0), conversion field (0), digital weapons (0), infoslave skull (0) [105]
Troops1: 5 Kataphron Destroyers (275), 5× heavy grav-cannon 2x Cognis Flamer (0) [275]
Troops2: 3 Kataphron Breachers [150]
Detachment Total [530]
War Convocation Formation
Knight Oathsworn Detachment
LoW1: Knight Crusader (425), meltagun (0), rapid-fire battle cannon; heavy stubber (0), stormspear rocket pod (0) [425]
Formation Total [425]
War Convocation Formation
Skitarii Battle Maniple
Troops3: 5 Skitarii Rangers (65), omnispex (0), 2× transuranic arquebus (0), Ranger Alpha: The Skull of Elder Nikola (0), arc maul (0), conversion field (0) digital weapons (0) [65]
Troops4: 5 Skitarii Vanguard (55), omnispex (0), 2× arc rifle (0), Vanguard Alpha: arc maul (0), The Omniscient Mask (0), conversion field (0), digital weapons (0) [55]
FA1: 1 Sydonian Dragoon (45), radium jezzail, phosphor serpenta (0) [45]
HS1: 1 Onager Dunecrawler(90), icarus array (0), smoke launchers (0), mindscanner probe (0), cognis manipulator (0) [90]
Elite1: 5 Sicarian Ruststalkers (160), Ruststalker Princeps: Pater Radium (0), conversion field (0), digital weapons (0), prehensile dataspike (0) [160]
Elite2: 5 Sicarian Infiltrators (185), flechette blasters & taser goads, Infiltrator Princeps, Phosphoenix (0), flechette blaster & taser goad, conversion field (0), digital weapons (0), infoslave skull (0) [185]
Formation Total [600]
War Convocation Formation Total [1555]
ETC Secondary Detachment : Codex Officio Assasinorum, Faction Assassins
Elite6: Culexus [140]
Detachment Total [140]
ETC Tertiary Detachment: Codex Dark Angels, Allied Detachment, Faction Dark Angels
HQ2: Librarian (65) Forceaxe (0) Total [65]
Troops5: 5 Scouts (55), Bolters (0) Total [55]
FA2: Drop Pod [35]
Detachment Total [155]
TOTAL ARMY POINTS 1850 points.