Les Aliens Aliénés
Liste Tyranide (Agabdir)
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [63 PL, -1CP, 1,000pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Hive Fleet: Kraken
Stratagem: Progeny of the Hive [-1CP]
+ HQ +
Broodlord [8 PL, 115pts]: Power: Onslaught, Resonance Barb
The Swarmlord [15 PL, 250pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Synaptic Lure, Warlord
+ Troops +
Genestealers [16 PL, 228pts]: 4x Acid Maw, 19x Scything Talons
. Adaptive Physiology: Adrenal Webs
. 19x Genestealer: 19x Rending Claws
Hormagaunts [9 PL, 135pts]: 27x Hormagaunt
Tyranid Warriors [13 PL, 238pts]
. Adaptive Physiology: Enhanced Resistance
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Lash Whip and Bonesword
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Lash Whip and Bonesword
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Boneswords, Venom Cannon
. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Boneswords, Venom Cannon
. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Boneswords, Venom Cannon
+ Elites +
Lictor [2 PL, 34pts]: Flesh Hooks, Rending Claws
++ Total: [63 PL, -1CP, 1,000pts] ++
Liste IK (Zongo)
++ Super-Heavy Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Imperial Knights) [57 PL, 1,000pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Household Choice: Questor Mechanicus
. House Krast
+ Lord of War +
Armiger Helverins [9 PL, 157pts]
. Armiger Helverin: Heavy Stubber
Knight Crusader [25 PL, 468pts]: Character (Knight Lance), Heavy Stubber, Heirloom: Sanctuary, Ironstorm Missile Pod, Thermal Cannon, Warlord, Warlord Trait (Krast): First Knight
. Avenger Gatling Cannon w/ Heavy Flamer: Avenger Gatling Cannon, Heavy Flamer
Knight Preceptor [23 PL, 375pts]: Multi-laser, Reaper Chainsword
++ Total: [57 PL, 1,000pts] ++
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