+TEAM: “Rocket”
+PLAYER 5: Igor "Gremlin" Novgorodcev
+Tourneykeeper ID: -Gremlin- 8561
+Factions used: Tyranids
+Command Points: 13
+Army Points: 2000
+Kill Points: 15
+Tyranids Deck
+Reinforcement Points: n/a
== Tyranids <Leviathan> Batallion Detachment == +5 CPs [1095]
HQ1: Hive tyrant (143) - Monstrous rending claws (0), Heavy Venom Cannon (18) [161] -,Relic Miasma cannon Powers: Psychic Scream, Paroxysm.
HQ2: Tyranid Prime (70) - Pair of boneswords (2), Deathspitter (5) [77]
Troops1: 9x Tyranid Warriors (162) - 8x Pair of Boneswords (16), 6x Deathspitter (30),3Venom canon(36), 9x adrenalin gland (9) [253]
Troops2: 9x Tyranid Warriors (162) - 8x Pair of Boneswords (16), 5x Deathspitter (25),3Venom canon(36), 9x adrenalin gland (9) [248]
Troops3: 3 Ripper Swarm [33pts]
Elites1: Dethleaper, Rending Claws (2), Flesh Hooks (2) [64pts] ( warlord )
HS1: Exorine [155pts]
HS2: Mawloc [104pts]
== Tyranids <Leviathan> Batallion Detachment == +5 CPs [905]
HQ1: Hive tyrant (143) - Monstrous rending claws (0), Heavy Venom Cannon (18) [161] Powers: Psychic Scream, Onslaught.
HQ2: Neurothrope [90pts] - Power: Catalyst
Troops1: 10 Termagants (40), (10 fleshborers 0) [40pts]
Troops2: 3 Ripper Swarm [33pts]
Troops3: 3 Ripper Swarm [33pts]
Elites1: 6x Hive Guard (108) -6x Impaler Cannon (150) [258]
Elites2: 3x Venomthropes - [90]
Elites3: 5x Zoanthropes - [200] Power: The Horror
Refined Strategy: Discard 12,15,41,51,55,66