Stepan Zotov
+ PLAYER 6: Stepan Zotov
+ ARMY NAME: "Альфа и Омега"
+ ARMY FACTION: Chaos Space Marines
+ MAELSTROM DECK: Chaos Space Marines
Word Bearers Battalion
HQ1: Сhaos Sorcerer of Nurgle (80), Force Sword (8) [88pts] Psychic Powers: Warptime, Miasma of Pestilence.
HQ2: Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh in TDA (100), Force Staff (8), Combi-Bolter (2) [110pts], Relic: Malefic Tome. Psychic Powers: Warptime, Prescience, Delightful Agonies. Warlord: Daemonic Whispers
Troops1: 10 man Сhaos Cultists of Nurgle with Autoguns, Shotgun [40pts]
Troops2: 10 man Сhaos Cultists of Nurgle with Autoguns, Shotgun [40pts]
Troops3: 10 man Сhaos Cultists of Nurgle with Autoguns, Shotgun [40pts]
Alpha Legion Battalion – Devastation Battery (-1CP)
HQ1: Сhaos Lord of Nurgle in TDA (95), Chainfist (11), Combi-Bolter (2) [108pts]
HQ2: Dark Apostle of Nurgle (72) [72pts] Prayer: Benediction of Darkness
Elites1: 2 man Dark Disciples of Nurgle (10) [10pts]
Elites2: 10 man Chaos Terminators of Slaanesh (230), 10 Chainaxe (10), 10 Combi-bolter (20) [260pts]
Troops1: 5 man Chaos Space Marines of Nurgle (55), Chainswords, Chainaxe (1) [56pts]
Troops2: 5 man Chaos Space Marines of Nurgle (55), Chainswords, Chainaxe (1) [56pts]
Troops3: 5 man Chaos Space Marines of Nurgle (55), Chainswords [55pts]
HS1: 5 man Havocs of Slaanesh (70), 4 Lascannons, Bolter, Chainsword (100) [170pts]
HS2: 5 man Havocs of Slaanesh (70), 4 Autocannon, Bolter, Chainsword (40) [110pts]
HS3: 3 man Obliterators of Slaanesh (285) [285pts]
DT1: Chaos Rhino of Nurgle (65), Combi-Bolter (2) [67pts]
Night Lords Battalion
HQ1: Chaos Lord of Nurgle with Jump Pack (93), Combi-melta (15), Power Fist (9) [117pts]
HQ2: Dark Apostle of Tzeentch (72) [72pts] Prayer: Illusory Supplication.
Elites1: 2 man Dark Disciples of Tzeentch (10) [10pts]
FA1: 6 man Warp Talons of Nurgle (54), 6 Paired Lightning Claws (60) [114pts]
Troops1: 10 man Сhaos Cultists of Nurgle with Brutal Assault Weapons, Shotgun [40pts]
Troops2: 10 man Сhaos Cultists of Nurgle with Brutal Assault Weapons, Shotgun [40pts]
Troops3: 10 man Сhaos Cultists of Nurgle with Brutal Assault Weapons, Shotgun [40pts]