Team : plan /b
+Player: Лазарь "Красный" Трубецкой
+TOURNEYKEEPER: Красный 8608
+ARMY FACTIONS USED: Blood Angels, Adeptus Mechanicus (Graia), Inquisition
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 5+5+5+3-1-1=16cp
== BattalionDetachment, Blood angels, == [483pts] (5CP)
HQ: Astorath - [105 pts], lithanies - Exhortation of rage, Mantra of strength, Canticle of hate
HQ: Captain (74), Jump pack (19), Thunder hammer (40), Storm Shield (10) - [143 pts], relic - angel's wing, -1cp death visions of slamguinius
HQ: Sanguinary priest (60), jump pack (10), chainsword (0) - [70pts]
Troops: Scout squad (55), x5 combat knife - [55 pts]
Troops: Scout squad (55), x5 astartes shotgun - [55 pts]
Troops: Scout squad (55), x5 astartes shotgun - [55 pts]
== BattalionDetachment, Blood angels, == [1297pts] (5CP)
HQ:Librarian Dreadnought (110), Furioso fist(30), storm bloter(2) - [142 pts], psychic powers - Quickening, Wings of slamguinius
HQ:Librarian in phobos armour (90), camo cloak (3), force sword (8) - [101pts], psychic powers - unleash rage, wings of slamguinius
HQ:Lieutenant in phobos armour (75), master crafted occulus bolt carbine (6pts) - [81 pts], warlord (artisan of war)
Troops: Scout squad (55), x5 bolter - [55 pts]
Troops: Scout squad (55), x5 astartes shotgun - [55 pts]
Troops: Scout squad (55), x5 bolter - [55 pts]
Elites: 10 Death company, 10 Death company marines(150), 10 jump packs (30), 3 thunder hammers (48), 2 power axe (10), 7 boltguns(0), 5 chainswords (0) - [238pts]
Elites: 10 Sanguinary guard, 10 sanguinary guards (200), 10 encarmine axes (90), 10 angelus boltguns (0) - [290 pts]
Elites: 10 Sanguinary guard, 10 sanguinary guards (200), 10 encarmine swords (80), 10 angelus boltguns (0) - [280 pts]
== BattalionDetachment, Adeptus Mechanicus (graia), inquisition (ordo xenos), == [220] (5CP)
HQ:Techpriest enginseer (30)
HQ:Techpriest enginseer (30)
HQ: inquisitor (55), bolt pistol, chainsword,(ordo xenos), -1cp Inquisitorial mandate, relic: blackshroud, warlord trait - esoteric lore, psychic power - terrify
Troops: 5 Skitarii rangers (35), 5 galvanic rifle (0) - [35pts]
Troops: 5 Skitarii rangers (35), 5 galvanic rifle (0) - [35pts]
Troops: 5 Skitarii rangers (35), 5 galvanic rifle (0) - [35pts]
Refined Strategy: 41 – Advance; 46 – Domination; 52 - overwhelming firepower; 54 – Area Denial; 55 – Psychological Warfare; 61 – Kingslayer