Maksim "Shwarzenghold" Kozlov
+ Team: Кнут и Пряник
+ Player 8: Maksim "Shwarzenghold" Kozlov
+ TOURNEYKEEPER: Maksim "Shwarzenghold" Kozlov id 9315
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Genestealer Cults (Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor), Tyranids (Hive Fleet Kronos)
+ SPECIAL DETACHMENTS USED: Deliverence broodsurge
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 3+5+5+5-1-1-1+D3=15+D3
+ MAELSTORM OF WAR DECK: Genestealer Cults Deck
== Battalion Detachment, Genestealer Cult, Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor, Deliverence broodsurge specialist detachment == [779pts] (5CP-1CP-1CP)
HQ: Patriarch (125), Familiar (12) - [137pts] Psychic Powers: Smite, Mass hypnosis, Might from Beyond, WARLORD (Shadow Stalker), Relic: Amulet of the Voidwyrm
HQ: Acolyte Iconward - [53pts] Field Commander (-1 CP): Augur of Insurgent
TR: 20 Acolyte Hybrids: 19 Acolyte Hybrid (133), Acolyte Hybrids leader (7) - [140pts]
TR: 17 Acolyte Hybrids: 16 Acolyte Hybrid (112), Acolyte Hybrids leader (7) - [119pts]
TR: 20 Acolyte Hybrids: 19 Acolyte Hybrid (133), 6 Heavy Rock Saw (60), Acolyte Hybrids Leader(7) - [200pts]
EL: Clamavus - [55pts]
EL: Kelermorph - [75pts]
== Battalion Detachment, Genestealer Cult, Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor == [510 pts] (5 CP)
HQ: Primus - [75pts] Broodcoven (-1 CP) (Biomorph Adaptation)
HQ: Magus - [80pts] Psychic Powers: Smite, Mass hypnosis, Might from Beyond, Broodcoven (Inscrutable Cunning) (+D3 CP)
TR: 20 Acolyte Hybrids: 19 Acolyte Hybrid (133), Acolyte Hybrids Leader (7), 20 Hand Flamers (20) - [160pts]
TR: 10 Brood brothers infantry squad: 9 Brood brother (36), Brood brothers leader (4) - [40pts]
TR: 10 Brood brothers infantry squad: 9 Brood brother (36), Brood brothers leader (4) - [40pts]
EL: Kelermorph - [75pts]
EL: Locus - [40pts]
== Battalion Detachment, Tyranids, Hive Fleet Kronos == [709 pts] (5 CP)
HQ: Neurothrope - [90pts] Psychic Powers: Smite, The Horror
HQ: Neurothrope - [90pts] Psychic Powers: Smite, Symbiostorm
TR: Ripper Swarms - [33pts]
TR: Ripper Swarms - [33pts]
TR: Ripper Swarms - [33pts]
EL: 5 Hive Guards (90), 5 Impaler cannons (125) - [215pts]
EL: 5 Hive Guards (90), 5 Impaler cannons (125) - [215pts]
Refined Strategy: 12 - Spread Panic and Fear; 14 - Martyrs to the cause; 41 - Advance; 46 - Domination; 55 - Psychological warfare