Jesper Petersen
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [48 PL, 6CP, 796pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [5CP]
Imperial Commander's Armoury [-1CP]: 1 additional Heirloom of Conquest
Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Catachan
Vigilus Defiant [-1CP]: Emperor's Fist Tank Company
+ HQ +
Tank Commander [12 PL, 205pts]: Battle Cannon, Display Tank Orders, Emperor's Fist, Hunter-Killer Missile, Lascannon, Plasma Cannons, Relic (Emperor's Fist): Hammer of Sunderance
Tank Commander [12 PL, 205pts]: Battle Cannon, Display Tank Orders, Emperor's Fist, Hunter-Killer Missile, Lascannon, Plasma Cannons
+ Troops +
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
. 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
. 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
. 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
. 9x Guardsman
. Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
+ Heavy Support +
Wyverns [6 PL, 113pts]
. Wyvern: Heavy Bolter
Wyverns [6 PL, 113pts]
. Wyvern: Heavy Bolter
++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [21 PL, -2CP, 428pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
**CHAPTER**: Blood Angels
Armoury of Baal [-3CP]: 2 Additional Relics
Detachment CP [1CP]
+ HQ +
Captain [6 PL, 143pts]: Jump Pack, Storm shield, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer
Captain [6 PL, 143pts]: Jump Pack, Storm shield, The Hammer of Baal (replaces thunder hammer), Thunder hammer
Librarian Dreadnought [9 PL, 142pts]: 1. Quickening, 2. Artisan of War, 6. Wings of Sanguinus, Biomantic Sarcophagus, Furioso fist, Storm bolter, Warlord
++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [16 PL, 1CP, 275pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Detachment CP [1CP]
Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Catachan
+ HQ +
Company Commander [2 PL, 35pts]: Boltgun, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Power sword
Company Commander [2 PL, 35pts]: Boltgun, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Power sword
Tank Commander [12 PL, 205pts]: Battle Cannon, Display Tank Orders, Hunter-Killer Missile, Lascannon, Plasma Cannons
++ Total: [85 PL, 5CP, 1,499pts] ++
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