Konstantin Volokhin
Beast Herds (Beast Herds 2.2) [4,500pts]
Beast Lord [535pts]: Army General, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, Hunting Call, Razortusk Chariot (Mount), Basalt Infusion, Fatal Folly, Talisman of Shielding
Centaur Chieftain [225pts]: Heavy Armour, Lance
Minotaur Chieftain [475pts]: BSB, Great Weapon, Greater Totem Bearer, Light Armour, Aaghor’s Affliction
Soothsayer [450pts]: Druidism, Light Armour, Wizard Master, Seed of the Dark Forest
Feral Hounds (Core) [104pts]: 8x Feral Hound
Mongrel Herd [421pts]: Banner of the Wild Herd, Champion, 37x Mongrel, Musician, Spears, Standard Bearer
Wildhorn Herd [220pts]: Ambush, Musician, Throwing Weapons (5+), 15x Wildhorn
Wildhorn Herd [200pts]: Ambush, Throwing Weapons (5+), 15x Wildhorn
Centaurs [430pts]: Banner of Discipline, 10x Centaur, Champion, Lance, Standard Bearer
Gargoyles [140pts]: 5x Gargoyle
Minotaurs [590pts]: Champion, 6x Minotaur, Musician, Shield, Standard Bearer(Totem Bearer: Black Wing Totem)
Razortusk Herd [105pts]: Razortusk
Razortusk Herd [105pts]: Razortusk
Gortach [500pts]