== <Adeptus Astartes – Ultramarines> Vanguard Detachment == +1 CP [1159 pts]
HQ1: Chaplain Cassius [5 PL, 85pts]: 2. Catechism of Fire, 5. Recitation of Focus
EL1: Aggressor Squad [10 PL, 222pts]: 5x Aggressor [105pts], Aggressor Sergeant [21pts]
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [96pts]
EL2: Aggressor Squad [10 PL, 222pts]: 5x Aggressor [105pts], Aggressor Sergeant [21pts]
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [96pts]
EL3: Aggressor Squad [10 PL, 222pts]: 5x Aggressor [105pts], Aggressor Sergeant [21pts]
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [96pts]
EL4: Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 136pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [4pts], Heavy bolter
[10pts], 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber [12pts], Twin ironhail autocannon [20pts]
EL5: Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 136pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [4pts], Heavy bolter
[10pts], 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber [12pts], Twin ironhail autocannon [20pts]
EL6: Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 136pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [4pts], Heavy bolter
[10pts], 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber [12pts], Twin ironhail autocannon [20pts]
== <Adeptus Astartes – Ultramarines> Battalion Detachment == +5 CP [435 pts]
HQ2: Lieutenants [5 PL, 60pts]: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, ARTEFACT (Seal of Oath)
HQ3: Marneus Calgar [11 PL, + 2CP, 200pts]: WARLORD
TR1: Tactical Squad [4 PL, 60pts]: 4x Space Marine (Boltgun), Space Marine Sergeant (Boltgun, Bolt
TR2: Tactical Squad [4 PL, 60pts]: 4x Space Marine (Boltgun), Space Marine Sergeant (Boltgun, Bolt
TR3: Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts]: Scout Sergeant (Bolt pistol, Boltgun), 4x Scout (Boltgun)
== <Adeptus Astartes – Ultramarines> Spearhead Detachment == +1 CP [406 pts]
HQ4: Chief Librarian Tigurius [7 PL, 130pts]: 1. Precognition, 2. Scryer's Gaze, 5. Psychic Shackles
HS1: Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts]: Techmarine Gunner (Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter)
HS2: Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts]: Techmarine Gunner (Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter)
HS3: Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts]: Techmarine Gunner (Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter)
Army Reinfrocement Points : 0 pts
Army Reinforcement Faction : N/a
Maelstrom Deck: 11, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 65
Team: Compagna Communis
Player: Pietro "Nembo" Serravalle
Army Factions Used: Deathwatch, Officio Assassinorum
Specialist Detachments Used: N/a
Total Command Points: 3+5 = 8 CP
Total Army Points: 2000 pts
Total Killpoints: 10