Matthias Lang
Player Name: Matthias "karrack42" Lang
Discord ID: Matze#6989
Team: 40k Mannheim
Factions: Space Marines, Unaligned
Warlord: Marneus Calgar
Commandpoints: 10
Total Points: 1999
+++ New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [57 PL, 7CP, 1,127pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Chapter Selection: Ultramarines
Battle-forged CP [3CP]
Detachment CP [5CP]
+ HQ +
Primaris Librarian [5 PL, 98pts]: 2) Scryer's Gaze, 5) Psychic Shackles, Force sword
Primaris Lieutenants [8 PL, -1CP, 138pts]
. Primaris Lieutenant: Master of Strategy, Power sword, Seal of Oath, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter
. Primaris Lieutenant: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle
+ Troops +
Scout Squad [4 PL, 57pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Combat knife, Storm bolter
. 4x Scout w/Boltgun: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
Scout Squad [4 PL, 57pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Combat knife, Storm bolter
. 4x Scout w/Boltgun: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
Scout Squad [4 PL, 57pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Combat knife, Storm bolter
. 4x Scout w/Boltgun: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
+ Elites +
Aggressor Squad [10 PL, 222pts]: 5x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher
Aggressor Squad [10 PL, 222pts]: 5x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher
+ Heavy Support +
Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts]
. Techmarine Gunner
. . Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter
Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts]
. Techmarine Gunner
. . Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter
Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts]
. Techmarine Gunner
. . Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter
++ Fortification Network (Imperium - Space Marines) [12 PL, 200pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Chapter Selection: Ultramarines
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bunker [6 PL, 100pts]
Imperial Bunker [6 PL, 100pts]
++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [33 PL, 3CP, 672pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Chapter Selection: Ultramarines
Detachment CP [1CP]
+ HQ +
Marneus Calgar [11 PL, 2CP, 200pts]: Warlord
+ Heavy Support +
Devastator Squad [6 PL, 152pts]: Armorium Cherub
. Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Storm bolter
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp
Rapier Carrier [4 PL, 85pts]
. Rapier Carrier: Quad launcher
. 2x Space Marine Gunner: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag grenade, 2x Krak grenade
Rapier Carrier [4 PL, 85pts]
. Rapier Carrier: Quad launcher
. 2x Space Marine Gunner: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag grenade, 2x Krak grenade
Rapier Carrier [4 PL, 85pts]
. Rapier Carrier: Quad launcher
. 2x Space Marine Gunner: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag grenade, 2x Krak grenade
+ Dedicated Transport +
Drop Pod [4 PL, 65pts]: Storm bolter
++ Total: [102 PL, 10CP, 1,999pts] ++